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RE: Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!

in Splinterlands24 days ago

Hi @mavisthemuggle we curators we do our best but we are human and can make mistakes especially in situations where there are two separate accounts (your case) and there are many posts to curate.

If I look at your account you post with you are not an account to curate because you don't have splinterlands assets but if I look at both accounts you are in line with the curation criteria.
My personal advice is to enter contests with the account in which you have Splinterlands assets because that way you won't have the risk of being skipped ;)

@libertycrypto27 Don't worry. I am not mad at any curators. I just wanted answers because it happened week after week despite trying to make my KE better and I had no information why it happened. Now that you explained it, I can finally fix the problem.

I just have one question. My Hive assets is on this account. Will I not get skipped if I use the other account to join the contests because if I use @mavis-muggletum account, then, I won't have any hive assets (for the meantime until I transfer the HP over)?