With the current rewards cards market drop in prices I thought it maybe a good time to discuss what cards are good to invest in. All the recommendations to follow are my own opinion and not in no way are they universal. Someone else may have a different opinion on what cards are better.
Chaos Rewards
My first choices would be the legendary for a few good reasons. First it only requires 11 cards to max a regular making it quite easy to max if one is patient enough to snag the cards at low prices. As of now both Djinn Biljka and Harklaw are under $2 per bcx, as legendary cards this won't last long. Another reason is that legends tend to have stats advantageous in battles which makes them primary go to cards in matches. For instance in water splinter if magic is of focus Djinn Oshannus would fit well for a high mana match.
Similar to legend but slightly cheaper would be rewards epics currently still in print. It takes 46 cards to max so do not be deceived thinking $0.40 or less per a card makes it as easy to max level as legendary. Look at Uraeus leading the pack in my opinion since its a neutral monster and low mana can be use in many different kinds of rank battles.
For rares I would go with Gargoya Devil and Venari Crystalsmith.
Neutral card and healing ability is always useful in battles. Coming in close second Naga Assassin and Venari Wavesmith are good adds to enhance dragon and water splinters respectively. Both cards low in mana but but have stats that benefit in specific rule sets.
I recommend Pelacor Mercenary if one wants to build up commons. The card by level 6 will include self heal which closely resembles that of the Flesh Golem.
Gargoya Lion and Pelacor Conjurer are good seconds to add as they can be useful in specific rule sets. Pelacor Bandit also nice add as base level includes sneak and flying abilities.
For a meager $245 one can grab a whole max level set of Chaos rewards cards. That goes to show if you are specific on cards you like to add to your collection you will be best spending your $ in Chaos rewards.
I will end it here by mentioning if you want to go with gold foil to earn extra 10% DEC earnings per card used it is at an overall value of $1,586. Comparing total collection power between gold foil and regular you will be having 5x more in power with gold foil but at around 7x the price.
Until next time thanks for reading!!!
I have plenty of other cards for rent! Just go on peakmonsters and check out the market place and if you are curious what I offer here is a link:
If You have yet to take part in playing this great game called Splinterlands please click on my referral link. It is free but in order to earn real assets such as cards and token you would have to invest in a starter deck or purchase game cards. Join the discord to learn more. Good luck!
The prices are quite low but it's hard to decide whether or not I should aim for the actual chaos legion deck or the reward cards. I think the pack cards are more expensive now compared to the reward cards so the reward cards are better for the rental market (legendary). However, I have noticed a lot of undercutting for level 1 epic and rare cards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My personal opinion I would go with getting rewards over chaos. Most of those in print reward cards are 2/3 distributed. They will likely be out of print sooner then the chaos packs being sold out. In addition like you said rewards are cheaper than chaos. I am slowly maxing all my chaos reward cards while adding only level 1 or 2 chaos cards when I see a reasonable sale.
The epics are truly remarkable. It's price is do low. I could try level it up to level 3. Still I need to buy a more summoners first. As I own a few but not levet at all. I think I will level just one to begin with. They only need 5 so it may be worth it. As I sometimes get to silver league !
Check those Chaos 4 mana summoners, prices are down on those too. Definitely a hinder to use high level epics if summoners levels are not up to par. What I had done in the past is if I bought single bcx epics and legendary I don't combine them until my summoner has leveled up. Meanwhile the single bcx I don't use I rent them out.
Good read. I think with the upcoming rewards changes, the demand for cards (and price/rental) will go up as more people will hold cards playing with them daily for EOS gains. Interesting times. Sharing this on https://twitter.com/PraetoriaDigest.
Yes you make some good points in that with the new rules on reward distribution the value of the cards at the very least will hold value, but more likely appreciate in the long run.
It doesn't hurt to have duplicate cards in this game as there is a very active rental market. Like I commented earlier with olympicdragon, in the past I bought a lot of 1 bcx rewards legends and epics in hopes of one day combine them to max level but in the mean time rent the multiple cards to earn a streaming income. The income I get can reinvest into the game with more card purchases.
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