Best Cards for Starters! Fire Element!

in Splinterlands3 years ago



Hey guys, welcome to my first post!

I'am playing splinterlands for one month, and that's enough to see some cheap cards that might change your life! These cards are cheap for rent and I got my payback in 5 days of season, on my climbing from Silver 3 to Silver 1!

When you reach Silver I you may choose to stay where you are or go to Gold III. If you stay on Silver, your cards should be enough to get a 50% or better win rate. On the other hand, if you go to Gold III you must rent more powerful cards to surpass your enemies.

The Cards

In this topic let's talk about the cheapest rent cards that everybody must rent to get better daily rewards spending only necessary DECs. On this first post let's talk about Fire.

Fire cards are known to burst your enemies, either you're with Malic/Pyre, two cheap summoners to rent, or with Yodin Zaku that is more expensive.

Lava Launcher is and exceptional cards when we are talking of matches with high mana pool.It's very nice placing it on the second position. It's like a second tank.
Another cheap cards for high mana is Molten Ogre. It's excellent when you have rules like Super Sneak, Up Close and Personal, Melle Mayhem and others. It lows enemies melee attack by one keeping your team stronger than the enemy.


Exploding Dwarf doesn't look too good at first see, but it's also a very cheap and good card. When you have rules like Super Sneak, Up Close and Personal and Melle Mayhem it can attack from any position with a high attack and blast.


Fineas Rage is one of the best melee cards in the whole fire set. It has medium melee damage, high HP and high speed alowing him to dodge some attacks. It's nice at the second position and also as a second tank.


Magnor isn't cheap at all but assuming that the other cards are really cheap, you can spend a little more in this. It will make you win most of your high mana fights. It has taunt, allowing your backline to hit without being concerne of sneake, snipe or opportunity abilities.


If you have a little more DEC to spend there is one set of cards that may lead you to gold in an easy way.


These four cards with Lava Launcher may lead you to a 80% win rate on silver, even more depending of the rules you get.

I hope you guys enjoy my first post and I'll keep bringing other elements Newbie Cards to climb through silver and bronze!



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Thanks for your reply! I'll make sure to do an awesome introduction post!

I'll read all links that you have sent on this post to make sure everything is ok!

Thanks one more time!