I'm out -

in Splinterlands5 years ago


After much self debate and pondering, I have decided to stop playing @splinterlands. It's been a good but bumpy run with plenty of memorable and frustrating moments. I love the monsters and the gameplay but its time to cash out and move on.

There are a few reasons for this but the dominant reasons have to do with the new changes to the game, the skimpy rewards, and those damn Bots... but mostly I simply can not keep devoting time when the time has become such a precious commodity for me.

A full-time job, a family, and all the responsibilities within, I need to find time where I can pursue something more meaningful to me, namely drawing, painting, and creating art and spending time with family. Splinterlands just take up to much of the few moments of free time I have nowadays.

On average it takes me about 30 minutes a day to complete my battles. ( I tend to lose a lot) that works out to 210 minutes a week or almost three and a half hours a week!!

Now imagine if I used that three hours a week to draw more, to create more, to study more, or spend more time with family.

Thanks much to my guild Third Eye UnRuly - who allowed me not only to participate but for not kicking me to the curb when I took time away for personal reasons.

Keep up the good fight @splinterlands players. It was a good run but this guy needs to move one and ride into the sunset.



its time to cash out and move on.

Things you don't and most of the time can't say after playing non blockchain games. :D

whats with account? u gonna sell it? or just leave