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RE: Splinterlands | Why I Gave Up After 6 Years!

in Splinterlands6 months ago

Great post. You make some good points. I understand your frustration and mental fatigue, especially when the tokenomics and card values are at their lowest. I have been here since the beginning alpha days and I too came to a point where I gave up mentally when land first became available for sale. At the at point I was just like you where I have poured so much fiat into the game and have decided that I cannot invest anymore. I was still having fun battling/competing and engaging with my guild members and the community spending about 3 hour per day in the game. Dave McCoy kept us all hopeful. Then one day the game started to explode along with the macro crypto market. Card values set new records so some people sold while others kept holding on the for long term (me). In hind sight, I wish I had cashed out some which would help me fund future card collecting, but I did not, and I have regretted those decisions. However, I still believe in this game, this community, and Matt & team. I have always invested and played this game for the long long haul. I have held on in hopes that there will have another bull run, but if it never does, I am OK with my decision because it has been one hell of a ride.

Let the bots and rental market continue to earn for you while you take a long mental break. Regroup and try to stay hopeful. Splinterlands will rise again!! Stay hopeful.


Actually, when it comes down to Splinterlands, I'm in an overall profit even if everything would go down to zero (I don't see the investment of blogging earnings as bringing in outside money)

I was also around in the old days when things were going badly but I used those to accumulate cards which I delegated to players who signed up with my link way before even the Untamed days. In those days the game was much more simple, required less time investment and I had the belief that everything could go up. By now though, the game has become way more complicated, and time intensive while I just lack the belief that fundamental improvements will be made (even though I hope that I'm wrong).

All I can see now is a temporary hype and pump which allows new and old players to overlook the fundamental issues. It's sad because I really liked Splinterlands for many years and had good hopes for it.