Update from the Merchant's Guild : Guild Holdings and GLD sales


As voice for the Merchants Guild and the caretaker of guild funds I figured as its a New Year I should give an update on what's been done with the funds received from the sale of GLD (Guild) tokens.

Initially 10,000 GLD was offered and at the time it was valued the same as 10,000 DEC. Just enough for an upgrade of the guild arena. Thanks to donations from :
@ Pewsplosions
@ Winston3992
@ Greeneyedwitch
and @Terganmarket the initial 10,000 sold out and the arena was purchased.


@Ridgebee and @carnificina opted to just donate directly so not an entire 10,000 DEC was needed.

Another 10,000 GLD was offered for sale and most of that has sold out. Primarily to @Terganmarket. That money is earmarked for the guild store. However, the money has been invested and we are waiting for the return from investments to pay for the guild store upgrade.

Currently those investments are :

1. SPS
Which would worth just over 2000 DEC

2. Cards
@Terganmarket and @Tergan604 have been donating cards to get the Merchants Guild battle line delegation system up and running. @Pewsplosions has also donated to the cause. It's a little thin but does have serviceable lines available for each splinter.


3. DEC
Holding onto DEC and cards is also getting us a daily SPS drop. Those SPS are being staked and getting Vouchers which are being converted back to more DEC.

Current DEC holdings are :


4. SPT
Curating and posting is important for the guild. New members often earn nothing from battling in the lower Bronze leagues. In an effort to make sure they can get some coin adding SPT to the Merchants Guild account to give my vote value has been the most recent priority. My vote is now worth just over 2 SPT per vote so I make sure I curate and encourage all guild members!


As of today the guild's SPT total is just over 10,000.

Going forward I'm also looking to add Cartel to the portfolio. @flauty and the OneUp team have more clout and more manpower to get deals that I ever could. I'll keep most of the value from the GLD sale in DEC, SPS, and SPT but will add a portion to Cartel going forward as I see a lot of value in that system.

it may not be much but just added a tiny bit of

5. Cartel
to the guild's portfolio today. More as funds become available :)