About the guild

in Splinterlands3 years ago

Ciao! It's MERIMO!
↓ ↓ Previous article ↓ ↓ below

When I wrote that I accepted the card, it was evaluated as a good article
I even got a card as a gift! !! Thank you! !! https://www.splintertalk.io/@merimo/bronze-league-rental-tactics

From firemonster

From nitekichi

Before writing the last article
I got a card as a birthday present!
This was the first time I received a card ... I'm happy
off-line? ?? Then I didn't get anything, so it's really a birthday pre!
When I wake up in the morning, a splan card is on my head ... Is it Christmas?

From hametaro!

From schnapoon

I will use the card carefully! !!
Especially, I think I use Ice Pixie once every three races.

Big hit? Is it about the middle hit? No no no
I got a lot of big hit first gold.
スクリーンショット 20211126 231548.png

By the way, today is a supplement to the previous rental card article.
I think many people rent it for guild battles.
You registered your deck in time, but You fled you ran away! Isn't that good?
I often do. .. .. Don't run away! !! I was alone as a monmon.
I heard from a member of the guild that this is
It seems that if the rental period ends before the opponent inputs the deck, you will be forced to lose!
If you don't know this, it's a loss ... How many battles did you lose ... Gunununu! !!
Conversely, if you enter the deck late, the rental period of the opponent will end and there is also a winning pattern.
You can increase your winning percentage just a little bit. (Secoy ww)

It may be a fairly rudimentary story, but in ranked battles
You can see the deck of the game in front of your opponent by hovering the cursor over the area surrounded by purple.
If the opponent is decided even in a tournament etc., let's go to the opponent's page to see what kind of deck you are using w
[Battle screen.png] ()

From here on down is the story of the guild.
I'm sure there are a lot of people who aren't in the guild.
If you want to join, please actively talk to us.
You can't enter forever just by applying
Let's act using Twitter, Discord, etc.!
↓ This is Discord. Let's read first when you enter.

The number of people who can enter the guild is limited, and the guild that anyone can enter is
To be honest, I don't think so.
First of all, it takes a lot of DEC to set up a guild and release various facilities.
Release the arena to fight the guild,
Release the store to get personal rewards (merits) when you win a guild battle
In addition, you need to set the store level to 2 to open the card pack with the benefits you got.
It costs 10,000 DEC to open an arena or store and 20,000 DEC to reach store level 2.
It's all done by donation. (The cards you get can only be used in guild battles.)
For this reason, many guilds require a certain amount of DEC donations every week.
In that case, some people may think that it is better not to enter.
It is better to include things such as lower shop purchase prices and higher rank battle rewards.
Above all, it is recommended because you can enjoy it by exchanging information and playing together.
To be honest, it is recommended because you can enjoy it even if you don't have many points.
If you do, you have to do at least.
First of all, I can't say anything because the amount that can be made depends on the donation and play environment.
Not to mention the guild founder Gilmas
Other members may not feel so good if there are members who donate only themselves and do not donate
If the member has a lot of cards and looks like they have plenty of assets
The feeling of not donating may become stronger.
It is said that some people think so to the last.
Splinterlands are not social games.
If you don't have money, you can't go up to silver (I am)
So I can't donate ... I also understand the feeling.
The worst pattern is in, silent, unentangled, no donations.
If you compare an organization called a guild to a company, it is a salary thief who does nothing.
Some people are good at making a lot of money, while others are specialized in improving the mood of the company.
Win and contribute to guild battles, gather information and announce quickly
Write comments to entertain people. I think there are various things.
The guild I'm in now is a friendly environment where you don't have to make any donations and just feel.
It's left to the feelings of the members, but it's about to reach store level 2 soon.
Of course donations are important, but what I think is most important is https://discord.gg/SyfYFsYZmq

To enjoy! And show that you are having fun !

I think.
Because the aim and the idea of ​​establishment are different depending on the guild
I don't think it's enough, but I think that's the most important thing.
Long story

Those who are interested in the guild at the end, those who are thinking about opening the guild battle
For those who have just entered the guild, I will write down the contents of the guild battle.

You can participate from BRAWL.
First of all, there is an entry period. It is an entry about who will come out.
The number of slots that can be entered is 13 and it is first come, first served.
Bronze rules, silver rules, edition bindings, gold foil bindings and more.
Also, you can cancel your entry even after you have entered.
If you get in touch, you can easily exchange the frame.
The entry period is 48 hours.
At the end of the entry period, you will enter COMBAT STAGE. It's a battle.
It's the same as the ranked battle, but there is time and the deck is set in the meantime.
If you don't finish in time, you lose.
The opponent can also see the result of the match if the deck has been set.
If the opponent's set is not finished, it will be put on hold.
The number of battles depends on the number of players in other guilds participating in the slot.
We will fight in 10 guilds including our own guild, so there will be a maximum of 9 battles.
Win 3 points, lose 0 points, draw 1 point. The guild with the most points in total wins.
The combat stage is also 48 hours.
Entry 48 hours → Battle 48 hours → Result announcement 48 hours → Entry 48 hours I think this is repeated.
If 48 hours have passed without entering and setting the deck, you will lose all, so avoid that.

Thank you for reading to the end.
I would be grateful if you could let me know if you hit the guild battle.
↓ I'm waiting for you to follow me! !! I have a strong desire for approval

Like the blog! I'm waiting for you to follow me!
Ah, it's okay, so please comment
I was really happy to hear that Mr. Oyajiborn was able to do it. https://twitter.com/syrup9mmg3104

The card is ... I'm still waiting! w
Player name: ** MERIMO **

See you on the next blog