
You are welcome. The numbers seem ok now. Although the PP is unfortunately lower. I only have 14 plots and currently do not have enough DEC (~200k) nor workers (~50) to cover all. Had to buy a chunk of SPS with the latest change. It will be a process to get all the land up and running. Do you already have a plan what production you want to focus on?


Yep, it's definitely gonna be a stretch. I ended up listing a few of my plots yesterday for some extra DEC. Regarding production focus, I haven't dug too much into the details yet, but maybe something like 60% grain 40% SPS except 1 or 2 plots for the Secret of Praetoria research - for starters at least. How about you?

Also, here goes my first pizza tip

I only surveyed 2 plots (bought the other 12 later, spread over 6 regions), thus I have only 30k grain and 300 time crystals to start with. I will use those to clear 2 plots, one of them will go straight for sps mining the other grain. I think the first days the sps could be juicy. The rest I will clear slowly.

When all is cleared, I plan doing research on my one magical plot, the rest as much as possible sps, with self sufficient grain production support. But depending on how much sps I get and whether the research is intriguing enough (I hope there might be card(s) available to be obtained only through research at some point) I might go in favor of one or the other. So grain ~50-60% and sps/secret ~40-50.

This sounds really well thought out. I'm definitely getting a better understanding. You're probably right when it comes to early SPS rewards. I think I'll adjust my focus accordingly in the beginning as well. And possibly some adjustments regarding Secret research also

I appreciate your insight! Glad you found this post and took the time to comment. You've got a new follower.

Thanks, I am not writing much myself, but still appreciate the follow. I do like to read though and I am happy to engage :) Cheers!