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RE: Rating system in Splinterlands, should we change it?

in Splinterlands5 months ago

Overall I like this idea, -36 for a loss was too brutal in the old system but we basically went to the other extreme with +20/-20 being too mundane and not representing large differences in rating / skill.

I would personally change the "Large differences in rating" to +13-27 and -13-27 as to not stray too far from +20/-20

It does suck seeing the guy in 3rd place 1k rating higher than me and with 5 days left in the season to know I'm basically only playing for a top 10 at this point.

An idea I've suggested before was giving a glint bonus multiplier based on difference in rating... so if you beat someone 1k rating higher you'd get a full 2x glint bonus for that battle. It's kind of like putting a bounty on the higher rated players so when you do beat them it feels better.


thank you for your insight, completely agree with you