Cards with healing abilities are great allies in battle.

in Splinterlands2 years ago

For this week's challenge I'm going to present an amazing combination of double healing in the water deck that is quite powerful and the best of all is that both cards only cost 3 mana so you can use them in your battles with little mana available without having to worry a lot about the mana spent.

The 2 cards for this combination are the Merdaali Guardian from the chaos legion edition that many may already know because it is one of the starter cards and the Crustacean King card from the Alpha/Beta edition. Both have a very useful ability in battles which is the Tank Heal and this ability makes them heal your card positioned in the first position at 1/3 of the maximum life per round and the minimum healing is 2, so if you have 2 cards with this enable the minimum healing that your card placed in the first position will receive is 4.

The total mana cost of both cards is 6 and the Merdaali Guardian I usually use at level 1 because in the bronze league where I am it doesn't make much difference if I have it at level 2 which is the maximum level of this league because it is a rare card, but the Crustacean King I use at level 3 which is a common card and this is the maximum level allowed in this league for this type of card. I use it at level 3 because from level 1 it has 1 ranged attack so in addition to healing it will also be able to deal damage and this will increase its usefulness in battle.

Another important detail is that using the initial cards if you don't have them will reduce your DEC gain in battles and also your focus point and season point, in the case of Crustacean King it will not affect because I rented him at level 3 but Merdaali Guardian will affect my earnings because I am using it at level 1 as a starting card, but you can rent it cheaply for 0.1 DEC in the market so it pays more to rent to get better results in chest and DEC gains.

Now let's get to the main part of this week's challenge, which is the battle.

For the battle I used cards that were quite useful and these cards were:

Kelya Frendul (Level 2) as a summoner and she will be useful increasing their speed and shield by +1. The shield will be very useful against melee and ranged card attacks, and increasing the speed of my cards will give them a chance to attack first in the round.

The Cruel Sethropod (Level 3) which is in the first position and is a melee card that has no abilities but its mana cost is low and it has a good amount of attack and defense.

The Flying Squid (Level 3) is in second position and is a melee card with the Reach ability that allows him to attack from second position.

The Sabre Shark (Level 3) which is in the third position and is a melee card with the Sneak ability that makes him attack the opponent's card positioned in the last position.

Merdaali Guardian (Level 1) which is in fourth position and has no attack but will be an excellent support for battles with its Tank Heal ability.

The Pirate Captain (Level 3) who is in fifth position and is a ranged card with the Snipe ability that makes him prioritize cards with magic and ranged attacks when attacking.

The Crustacean King (level 3) which is in the sixth position and is a ranged card with the Tank Heal ability as well as the Merdaali Guardian he will be a great support for the battle.

See the Battle

In the battle my opponent used the Obsidian summoner from the earth deck that increases the magic attack of his cards by +1, he has 4 cards with magic attack and that means his attack will increase a lot in this battle, in addition to having so many cards with magic attack is not a good thing for my cards because my summoner Kelya Frendul grants them shield which will not be useful against that type of card and my Cruel Sethropod card which is in the first position has a lot of shield but low health.

This is a 6 card vs 6 card battle so neither side has a numerical advantage and my shield will only be useful against 1 of my opponent's cards which is Child of the Forest.

In this battle the available mana is 26 and there are no rules

Round 1

In the first round most of my opponent's cards had low speed and that was what I needed for Merdaali Guardian and Crustacean King to get into action and heal the Cruel Sethropod and because of that he managed to resist for a long time in the battle but received most of the attacks and was eventually defeated.

The Pirate Captain targeted the Child of the Forest and dealt 2 damage to it causing it to be defeated. My opponent's Failed Summoner who was in first position took most of the damage in the round and was also defeated.

Round 2

In the second round my Flying Squid card took the place of Cruel Sethropod in defense and Regal Peryton was defending for my opponent.

In this round neither side lost cards it was just an exchange of several attacks and even with my opponent having a lot of attack from his magic cards he was not able to defeat my Flying Squid because of the amazing double healing of my card combination.

Round 3

In the third round Elven Mystic was the target of my Captain Pirate and was defeated, then it was Goblin Psychic's turn to be defeated by Sabre Shark and finally Regal Peryton was defeated by Crustacean King. My opponent lost 3 cards and was not able to defeat any of my cards, now he has only one card in the battle which is Princess Khmer.

Round 4

In the room, only Princess Khmer was left to be defeated for the battle to end and as she had only 2 life she only needed the Captain Pirate's attack to be defeated.


Having healing in your battles is an excellent strategy even if the card doesn't have an attack like Merdaali Guardian but for that you need to have great defense cards like Cruel Sethropod that ended up being defeated in the first round but if it was a battle against melee cards and ranged he would have fared better and the Flying Squid which had plenty of health. What really made me win the battle was this amazing combination, this and many other battles so I recommend you try it to see how it will give you great results.


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