I don't want to tell you if you should or shouldn't... that's ultiamtley up to you to decide as you know your circumstances best. Something to consider though... You get 10,000 points toward the SPS airdrop with each plot of land you hold, everyday for the remainder of the airdrop. That's still lots of days. I'm not sure exactly how much that add's up to, and of course it can change everyday, but you might think of it as the land starting to pay for itself from day one.
The plans they've talked about for the land expansion are probably months away, maybe even longer. But, the team has proven that they can not only 'produce' awesome results, but also deal with unforseen issues (like absolutley huge expansion in short time periods). When more details are announced, in my expereince, there will be a land 'rush', much like people rush to get their homework done last minute.
Just some thoughts to consider.
Yea man they are an amazing team, straight solid all accross the board. I did not know you get 10k poiunts from each plot, i should have done more research. Knowing that i would have jumped on land a while ago. I am now defintley going to be purchasing a plot here tonight. Hey quick question do you know if plots are random, like are they all the same or is there oppurtunity to get land with more or better resources?
Yeah, there's going to be a bunch of difference characteristics with land. It's pretty detailed. There will be common, rare, epic, and legendary lands. Some land will be 'Magical', some 'Occupied' with monsters to kill...
Right now there are 'claims' that are likely much like claims for booster packs that you then 'open' to reveal what's inside.
Read all about it here:
and here:
Really it seems like a whole new game inside a game all linked together! I'm very excited about it if you can't tell ;).
Hey thanks for the links and the info, i am really excited too man! lol its already fun!