Hello Splinterlands Funs! This is weekly share battle challenge. I am going to explain you my battle using Cruel Sethropod. This little monster is very powerful in low mana battles. In this post I will show you battle in Brawls in standard ruleset.
Rarity: COMMON
Element: WATER
Attack: MELEE
Abilities: NONE
"Sailors tell many tales of the dangers of the Cruel Sethropods. Armed with strong pincers and teeth as sharp as spears, they attack anything that gets within range. It is nearly impossible to remove a Cruel Sethropod once it has latched on, and many a sailor has the scars to show where they ventured too close."
Cruel Sethropod has no ability at all. Nevertheless this is very strong card. From level 3 he gets 2 melee attack. This level you can use him in bronze league. I have max copy of this card. For only 3 mana cost Cruel Sethropod at level 10 has 3 melee attack, 2 speed, 6 armor and 7 health. This stats make him very solid card. Even thiugh Cruel Sethropod doesn't have any abilities.
My strategy and lineup
The Ruleset of the battle is as follow:
- Rise of Commons - Only Common and Rare Monsters may be used in battles.
- Silenced Summoners - Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.
- Mana Cap of 24.
- Available Splinters - Fire, Water, Earth and Life
Cruel Sethropod is very good choice for Rise of Commons ruleset. He is common card with low mana cost. In addition, this card has many protective stats which keeps him alive for long time on the battlefield.
Are you ready to see my batle?
I play at Brawls in Silver league Chaos Legion only. My all cards are capped to rare summoners level 4. I used Cruel Sethropod as a tank. This card has 2 melee, 4 armor and 5 health at level 5. At the second position I used 1 mana card as a meat shield. This card aim is to be targeted by opportunity monsters. Third and 4th place is form my main killers with Opportunity ability. I also used one range card with speed ability to make my team faster.
As you can see below, my opponent used similar strategy to me. He decided to use healer Merdalli Guardian instead of attacker with opportunity.
After 1st round all my monsters are still alive. I killed my opponent 1 mana card very easly. I was very unlucky because my opportunity monster missed chaos agent. As a result I wasted one attack.
Both of us make couple hits and two Cruel Sethropods are still on the tank position. In this round I finally hit Chaos agent and can attack next weakest target on my opponent side.
It looks like Cruel Sethropods are going to die in this round. Both monsters left with small amount of HP. I am in good position due to second Glaudius card with 3 armor. He can tak one or two shoots before my opponent can damage my HP. My opponent Merdalii Guardian is easy target due to lack of protecton.
It's like like the no one has real advantage at this point. Our backline monsters are eqactly the same, the only difference are tanks. My card can attack but my opponent card can only heal himself. We have stronger back row attacker, so both cards will be defeated in this round.
At the begining the battle I thought that the battle should be easy win. Currently I can see that it is 50:50. Mainly the winner will be players who attacks first. I was lucky this time and killed his Deepllurker in round 5.
My opponent left with one range attacker. This monster cannot attack from first position. As a result I can make my couple last hits and the batle is over.
That's all - battle online below
Did my strategy work? What I would do differently next time?
No, my strategy didn't work as I planned. I won the battle mainly due to luck :)
What do I like about Cruel Sethropod most?
I like his strong stats against melee and range monsters. This card have huge amount of HP and Armor.
What I do not like?
Cruel Sethropod is very weak agianst magic. If I face Obsiadian with magic team, then he can be killed very fast. His only protection is health but couple strong magic attack and this card is dead.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post, i hope you enjoy it.
Keep imroving your deck!!!
Regards @mr-kerad
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Thanks for sharing! - @marianaemilia

Good battle, thanks for sharing!!