Welcome Splinterlanders, to my first ever blog post of any kind.
I'm not usually one for putting word down on paper, so to speak, but I really felt that I wanted to give my opinions on a certain splinterlands card that when used in battle can be an absolute game changer.
The card in question is Venator Kinjo.
Now i'm certainly not saying that it is useful and a game changer in every battle and ruleset but when used in battle where the Explosive Weaponry ruleset is present then this card can be extremely useful to protect your backline monsters when used in a secondary position behind a tank. The reason I feel this position in a battle is best is due to the fact that it cannot be damaged because of it's use of the reflection shield and also cannot be targeted for attack unless in first position.
Unless the rulesets disallow the use of this card, then I use it exclusively in second position for the exact reason set out above. I cannot tell you the amount of times my team would have lost if it were not for this card.
Due to this fact, I want to say that if there is one card that you should make an effort to aqcuire and use in battle then Venator Kinjo is it.
It honestly surprises me that I don't see it used more often, especially at the lower levels where I currently play.
If your'e still reading this post then thanks for making it thus far and I hope my post is helpful in some way.
Signing out
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