Hello everyone lets me share my weekly battle chalange for this week using AIM TRUE ruleset
. I got this batle from my account i hope you guys like my post.
Aim true is one of few splinterland batle ruleset this ruleset allow all ranged and melee attack hit their target, which is mean there no chance your attack get miss when it hit enemy montser target.
In this battle i got aim true ruleset and 43 mana and whit almost all splinter active exccept fire and dragon. So in this match i choose water splinter
Monster used
Cause i choose water splinter so i choose keyla as the summoners, i chose this card to anticipated ranged and mele attack from oppnent, cause this card give monster 1 more speed and armor
For the first position i choose demonshark i pick this card this card have high spees,melle attack and armor so its good as tank.
It the second position i choose flying squid cause this card can attack in the second position whit 3 ranged attack so it good to put in the second position also it Good to replace demonshark if it got destroyed.
For the third position i choose deepluker cause this card can attack in any position and targeted the lowest hp enemy monster
For the fourth position i chose river hellondale cause the function this card is When a friendly Monster dies it is brought back to life with 1 Health. This ability can only trigger once per battle, also it have magic attack so its good to use
For the fifth position i choose nerrisa tridawn cause this card have high hp and magic attack this card good to use to anticipated opponet use lots of mele and ranged card
And for the fifth position i choose igor darkspark just to fit and to fully the mana , there no special reason to use the card, i juts like the card cause the card have ranged attack also have good life in silver league
For this batlle i only need 2 round to defeated my opponet, my strategy and my prediction doing very well, opponent only use mele and ranged attack card so i can anticipated it whit magic ability, opponet use life splinter in this batlle , let review the battle then
First round
For the first round opponet tank got destroyed heavyli whit combination few of my card, eneymy put the stormbreakers as a tank and it can easily killed whit magic ability cause it can attack straigth to armor.
Second round
My deck start second round whit lot of advantage, i still have all of my cards, also got high spees card so i can attack first before opponet hit me, the opponent also have low speed card and low life card for secound round, so it will be good advantage for me
• Portal spinner get killed by combination of demonshark and igor darkspeark in early round
• Pelacor albalest whit only 3 life and no armor got killed only by one hit from deepluker
• xenit archir also whit 3 life and no armor got killed by my flying squid only whit one hit so there only
Tower grifin left for opponent
• Tower grifin also whit 3 life whithout armor and low speed it got killed whit combination of river hellondale and and nerrisa tridawn only
And here we go, finanlly win the game whit aim true ruleset using water splinterl
If you want to see this greetfull batle you can check this link below
This batlle works really well on my perspective, my srategy and my prediction is right, actually opponet doing very well in this batlle , he pick lot of ranged card, but he not consider if this is high mana batlle, so magic can easily used to anticipated this batlle opponet just not lucky in this batlle cause pick wrong splinter, also there some improvement i need to do related to my gameplay,
and this is my entry for this weekly splinterland batlle chalenges and see you in next batlle chalenges, thank you for reading my post hope you guys like it
If you want to play this game you can start the exploration by cliking this link belowsplinterland