Pelacor Bandit

in Splinterlands3 years ago


Pelacor Bandit is among my favourite cards. It is quite versatile because of its low cost, high speed and different deck compatibillity. What adds to this card is its cheap cost on the market that ranges between 0.2-0,3$, meaning a lot of people can experiment with it and find optimal strategies. Personally (almost) every water melee water deck I ran into contained one of these.

Lil' bit of info and stats:

Type : Water - Makes it a great combo for harassing the backline while Seamonster holds the line
Rarity : Common - should be at least Rare IMO
CP : 5
Archetype : Pelacor - generally a really cool Archetype, usually focusing on tanking or harassing


What do the stats say about it?

As we can see, Pelacor Bandit opts in Health first, having it survive one more hit and leave the opportunity radar, thus somewhat fixing the low HP problem. The Bandit shines in Agillity, and it is its consistently highest attribute. That combined with the Fly abillity which grants it +25% dodge chance. That makes it an excellent hit and run monster.


Advantageous :

  • Earthquake- Flying abillity negates the Earthquake damage, thus making it survive longer
  • Little Leauge - Among the fastest sub 4 mana cards, can kill decent amount of enemies in 1 hit.


  • Noxius Fumes - in lower levels it cannot handle the 2 damage done to it
  • Reverse Speed - usually means it is among the last to act and the dodge bonus reverses

Other 30 something non mentioned Rulesets are somewhat advantageous and disadvantageous but depend on other factors.

Pelacor Bandit vs Sabre Shark

Pelacor Bandit is basically a better version of the Sabre Shark, which goes for about 5-6$ on the current market, whereas Pelacor Bandit goes for 0.2-0,3$. Although you get Sabre Shark for free at the beginning, leveling it up takes a lot of money and time, with next to no advantage to CP, move order or damage output. Pelacor Bandit can negate Earthquak Damage and Sabre Shark cannot.

The Pelacor Archetype


Pelacor are a millitant race, with a sad backstory and a scary future, created when The Angels and sons of the Sun, The Solakari, interbred. Created to take over the surface world, The Pelacor lived soldierly lives. Wielding high intelligence and high imagination they saw that there is more to life than being a soldier, and 1 thousand of them decided to flee the Sky and Angels grasp. Their motivation was their duty to protect the land of their ancestors, the Solakari. Many did not make it, but those who did were warmly welcomed and seen as beautiful when they arrived.

At the back of their minds they dread from the attack of the Angels and the non defector Pelacors,that is one day to come. For now they focus on helping against the oncoming Chaos Legion