¡Riftwatchers esta a la vuelta de la esquina! ¿ya compraste tus gemas? Pronto podras abrir tus paquetes y la verdad es que es muy emocionante lo que se va a poder obtener en ellos, de diferentes fuentes he obtenido estas imagenes que voy a mostrarte, nada mas y nada menos que las cartas de la edicion, asi que disfrutalas.
Riftwatchers is just around the corner! Have you already bought your gems? Soon you will be able to open your packs and the truth is that it is very exciting what you will be able to get in them, from different sources I have obtained these images that I am going to show you, nothing more and nothing less than the cards of the edition, so enjoy them.
Todos conocemos ya la carta Promo, aqui tienes sus estadisticas.
We all know the Riftwatchers Promo card, here are its statistics.
En este post voy a omitir a los invocadores porque esos ademas de que ya se mostraron, ya los analice en un post previo.
In this post I am going to omit the summoners because they have already been shown and I have already analyzed them in a previous post.
Splinter Fuego
6 cartas nuevas de este Splinter llegaran con la nueva mini edicion.
Fire Splinter
6 new cards of this Splinter will arrive with the new mini-edition.
2 cartas con ataque Ranged, una con ataque magico y 2 mas con ataque Melee, creo que es muy bueno que diversifiquen en la variedad de ataque porque Fuego esta muy centrado al ataque Melee masivo, sobre todo en Chaos Legion con Tarsa. Todas son cartas de mana alto asi que dudo que se vean mucho a estas cartas en los rangos bajos donde el mana suele ser poco, y mencion especial a Mordeus, que desde nivel 1 tiene 5 puntos de ataque y Oportunitty, es una carta que va a hacer mucho daño.
Here we got five new cards, 2 cards with Ranged attack, one with Magic attack and 2 more with Melee attack, I think it is very good that they diversify in the variety of attack because Fuego is very focused on massive Melee attack, especially in Chaos Legion with Tarsa. All of them are high mana cards so I doubt that these cards will be seen much in the low ranks where mana is usually low, and special mention to Mordeus, that from level 1 has 5 attack points and Opportunitty, is a card that will do a lot of damage.
Splinter Agua.
Tambien encontramos 6 cartas nuevas en esta edicion, todos los splinters excepto Dragon y Neutral comparten esto ultimo.
Water Splinter.
There are also 6 new cards in this edition, all splinters except Dragon and Neutral share this last one.
De nuevo, mucho mana alto aunque Water Caller me parece que sera una carta que se va a ver muchisimo en Bronce gracias a ese Stun, vemos que el patron de mana y ataque se repite un poco aqui, si algo tiene esta edicion es que traera muchas oportunidades para batallas de mana alto y por otro lado ¿ya has pensado en lo potente que sera una combinacion de Valnamor + Runemancer Kye? ¿O Alric Stormbringer + Water Caller?
Again, a lot of high mana although Water Caller seems to me to be a card that will be seen a lot in Bronze thanks to that Stun, we see that the pattern of mana and attack is repeated a little here, if something has this edition is that it will bring many opportunities for high mana battles and on the other hand have you already thought about how powerful will be a combination of Valnamor + Runemancer Kye? or Alric Stormbringer + Water Caller?
Splinter Tierra.
Aqui tenemos una de las cartas con mayor mana no solo de la edicion, si no del juego en si, y de entrada me parece que es una completa bestialidad.
Earth Splinter.
Here we have one of the cards with the most mana not only of the edition, but of the game itself, and it seems to me that it is a complete beastiality.
Runemancer Florre es una carta que a nivel maximo te saca 7 puntos de daño por turno, 3 de ellos ignorando la armadura enemiga y ademas con el invocador de su edicion se puede usar como tanque. Ese tremendo daño masivo es la causa de que cueste tanto mana, pero creo que valdra mucho la pena, Suidae Shaman me parece una de las cartas mas interesantes de toda la edicion porque puede hacer 9 puntos de daño con su primera habilidad y ademas reduce la armadura enemiga, y lo mismo para Uloth Dhampir, me gusta que esten agrenando habilidades como Stun desde el nivel 1, asi los jugadores de Bronce pueden aprender mucho mas de las estrategias de arriba mientras estan ahi abajo.
Look at this card, Runemancer Florre is a card that at maximum level gives you 7 points of damage per turn, and 3 of them ignoring the enemy armor and also with the summoner of her edition, Fernheart, she can be used as a tank with those 13 life points. That massive damage is the reason why it costs so much mana, but I think it will be worth it, Suidae Shaman seems to me one of the most interesting cards of the whole edition because it can do 9 points of damage with its first ability and also reduces the enemy armor, and the same for Uloth Dhampir, I like that they are adding abilities like Stun from level 1, so Bronze players can learn much more of the strategies from above while they are down there.
Splinter Vida.
Estos son mis segundos diseños favoritos en general detras de los de muerte, todos me parecen excelentes pero que tal seran las cartas... veamos.
Life Splinter.
These are my second favorite designs overall behind the death ones, they all look great to me but how about the cards... let's take a look at them.
Hay que ponerle mucha atencion a Runemancer Atuat ¿un posible counter para Kron the Undiying? ademas, no hay muchos tanques con ataque magico y menos en este Splinter,, un dato curioso es que esta carta legendaria va a ser apenas la segunda carta del juego que tiene Headwings desde nivel 1. Creo que esta carta va a cambiar bastante el meta en nivel de mana alto, asi como todas las demas de la edicion, y en costos de mana creo que es de las mas accesibles en cuanto a la cantidad de mana requerido.
We must pay a lot of attention to the legendary card, Runemancer Atuat, maybe is a possible counter for Kron the Undiying? Besides, there are not many tanks with magic attack and less in this Splinter, a curious fact is that this legendary card will be only the second card in the game that has Headwings from level 1. I think this card will change the meta in high mana level, as well as all the others in the edition, and in mana costs I think it is one of the most accessible in terms of the amount of mana required.
Splinter Muerte.
Como ya dije, este splinter es el que para mi tiene los mejores diseños, los devs han hecho un excelente trabajo aqui.
Death Splinter.
As I said, this splinter is the one that for me has the best designs, the devs have done an excellent job here.
Poco importan los diseños al momento de jugar, a primera vista creo que todas estan geniales aunque si me parece que el costo de mana de Night Ghoul es demasiado, Arachne Thug ya es una de mis favoritas, Reach + Trample es una combinacion letal y teniendo a Revealer con Stun, sera una carta muy peligrosa. Cabalist es un acompañante espectacular para Cursed Windeku, Queen of Crows es mi carta fvorita de esta edicion en diseño, y hablando de sus habilidades se ve que esta espectacular para dejar KO a General Sloan y sus peligrosas cartas con ataque Ranged, hablar de la legendaria es otro nivel, cualquier carta con 5 habilidades tiene que ser muy util si o si, y esa capacidad de hacer daño doble y aleatorio por turno la hacen ser muy atractiva, tiene poca velocidad pero el Fly compensa eso asi que creo que es la carta perfecta para la ultima posicion.
But the designs don't matter much at the moment of playing, at first glance I think they are all great, although I think the mana cost of Night Ghoul is too much, Arachne Thug is already one of my favorites, Reach + Trample is a lethal combination and having Revealer with Stun, it will be a very dangerous card. Cabalist is a spectacular companion for Cursed Windeku, Queen of Crows is my favorite card of this edition in design, and talking about her abilities it looks spectacular to knock out General Sloan and his dangerous cards with Ranged attack, talking about the legendary is another level, any card with 5 abilities has to be very useful if or if, and that ability to do double and random damage per turn makes her very attractive, she has little speed but the Fly compensates for that so I think she is the perfect card for the last position.
Splinter Dragon.
Para este Splinter tenemos solamente 4 cartas. ¿Valdran la pena? veamos.
Dragon Splinter.
For this Splinter we have only 4 cards, will they be worth it? let's see.
Ya de inicio se esta haciendo historia aqui, pues Agor Longtail es la carta mas cara del juego en cuanto a mana, superando a Chaos Dragon. ¿Es buena? pues no, es lo que viene despues. Perfecta para combinar con Runic Skyclaw y anular un Blast enemigo, estas dos cartas seran counters perfectos para Yodin Zaku, y me gusta muchisimo que agreguen cartas de poco mana como lo hizo la ultima edicion Reward y tambien Chaos Legion, haciendo que el splinter Dragon sea viable de usar en batallas con mana bajo.
Just for the begining with this splinter, history is being made here, as Agor Longtail is the most expensive card in the game in terms of mana, surpassing Chaos Dragon. Is it good? Well, no, it's what comes next. Perfect to combine with Runic Skyclaw and nullify an enemy Blast, these two cards will be perfect counters for Yodin Zaku, and I really like that they add low mana cards like the last edition Reward and also Chaos Legion did, making the splinter Dragon viable to use in low mana battles.
Solo 4 cartas entraran en este Splinter, sirviendo como apoyo para todos los demas, como ya sabemos que pueden hacer las cartas neutrales.
Only 4 cards will go into this Splinter, serving as support for all the others, as we already know that neutral cards can do.
Creo que Coeurl Lurker es la carta que mas fuerte va a entrar en el meta actual, pues es la unica neutral con Taunt y junto con Agor Longtail ya tenemos una carta con Taunt para cada Splinter, es un tanque excelente que puede esquivar mucho, regresar daño con Thorns y puede esquivar ataques magicos. Para mi es la mejor carta de toda la edicion en cuanto a sus estadisticas. Scavo Technomancer tambien se va a meter de lleno en el meta a mi parecer, un mana aceptable y combinaciones de habilidades muy buenas, un gran apoyo para Coeurl justamente. Lo mismo para Junker que puede reparar armadura y por ultimo pero no menos importante, Master Crafter que de entrada es un counter para el propio Coeurl.
I think this legendary card, Coeurl Lurker is the strongest card that will enter the current meta, as it is the only neutral with Taunt ability and along with the legendary dragon, Agor Longtail we already have a card with Taunt ability for each Splinter, even neutrals, it is an excellent tank for high mana that can dodge a lot, return damage with Thorns and can dodge magic attacks. For me it is the best card of the whole edition in terms of stats. Scavo Technomancer is also going to get right into the meta in my opinion, an acceptable mana and very good skill combinations, a great support for Coeurl justly. The same for Junker who can repair armor and last but not least, Master Crafter who is a counter for Coeurl himself.
En general hay una cosa muy clara con esta edicion. Mana alto. Solo 5 cartas de la mini edicion tienen un costo de mana de 5 puntos o menos, sacando a los invocadores claramente. Pero a la vez creo que hay mucha posibilidad de combinaciones con estas cartas y no solamente para batallas de mucho mana, como se podria pensar a simple vista.
Hablando de la economia.
Creo que por el bajo Supply y la potencia de estas cartas no van a ser nada baratas y es que la cantidad de gemas (packs) es 5 veces mejor que Chaos Legion y hay cartas de esta edicion que valen 20$ o mas, claro que estos son solo especulaciones y lo que va a psar no se puede adivinar, pero lo que si se puede hacer es anticipar ciertos movimientos del mercado y creo que cartas como Coeurl Lurker van a entrar al mercado a un precio muy alto desde el primer momento, asi que si no quieres quedarte por fuera deberias estar ya comprando tus gemas.
In general there is one thing very clear with this edition. High Mana. Only 5 cards in the mini edition have a mana cost of 5 points or less, clearly taking out the summoners. But at the same time I think there is a lot of possibility of combinations with these cards and not only for high mana battles, as you might think at first glance.
Speaking of economy.
I think that the low supply and power of these cards will not be cheap and the amount of gems (packs) is 5 times better than Chaos Legion and there are cards of this edition that are worth $ 20 or more, of course these are only speculations and what will happen can not be guessed, But what you can do is to anticipate certain market movements and I think that cards like Coeurl Lurker will enter the market at a very high price from the first moment, so if you do not want to be left out you should already be buying your gems.
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All game images are taken from the official game website and Splintercards, credits to whom it may concern.
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Excelente post!
¡Gracias bro!
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In his sleevies.
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Muy buen artículo. Yo ya me he hecho una idea de qué cartas pueden venir bien a mis mazos de agua y tierra... Eso si, hasta que no vea los precios no me voy a hacer ilusiones, jajaja
Yo todavia sigo analizandolas para encontrar posibilidades en los equipos, creo que van a venir muy bien para el meta del juego, sobre todo en Modern.
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Will be interesting to see how these cards change things. It is exciting that new cards have been added - and they certainly look cool !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The new ability has me pretty excited, I think the meta in general will be very interesting especially for Modern range, where all these cards will open a huge range of possibilities.
What an incredible edition Rift Watchers is. The design is marvellous, they have not exaggerated saying that this one is on another level in that regard. The high mana cards are also something to behold of, combined with some super interesting and useful abilities. I love how they are able to break some of the previous meta, without a massive power creep. Most of these cards are highly situational and I doubt that anyone will NEED them, but most will WANT them. Great stuff. And thank you for providing such a nice overview with your own commentary.
I agree with the design, I love them all. Like you, I think these cards are going to open a new world of possibilities in the games because they allow to maneuver a lot in the strategies but at the same time they don't leave opaque the previous ones but the game starts to become more situational, each time it becomes more strategic instead of just throwing the strongest you have and that's important to give variety.
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Demasiado mana en akgunas cartas, y las mas poserosas tienen un diseño poco atractivo para mi gusto pero es lo que hay hehehe
Yo concuerdo en lo del mana pero hablando de los diseños, a mi me parecen espectaculares, pero claro que para gustos, colores, como dices, es lo que hay.
Very excited with RIFTWATCHERS, high mana games will definitely change.
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That's right, and I think that more than the high mana battles, the meta in general is going to expand a lot with these cards, there are many hidden possibilities.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121
avoid sharing so many images instead try to explain more about the battle and strategy
Hi, your post is amazing, where did you get all of the stats and abilities from? Are you mavericks member?
My goal is to become one soon. Several of them were Leaks and the others I have seen thanks to fellow Mavericks who have shown them in their networks and I decided to give my opinion about these new cards.