naive-god cross-posted this post in Splinterlands 3 years ago

The Venaribusters Brawl Report #4/5

in #english3 years ago



Firstly, who are The Venaribusters? We are composed of a family (@prxhunter, @thelunacysystem, and myself) as well as a group of friends (@shawnmichael-gt, @teerandom, @atbui89, @a3manolo, and @jk420) that are dedicated to the collection of the Venari! We are currently full at 21/21 members, do not be fooled there are only 8 humans in this guild!

Welcome: @a3manolo and @jk420! We are happy to welcome some familiar faces to the guild!

Guild Building: With the completion of brawl #4 we finally were able to upgrade the barrack to level 2 thus allowing us to use our gladiators once again.
As well above is the rewards from brawl #4

Brawl report! Sadly I was busy after brawl #4, therefore I was not able to record the stats. However, I was able to record the stats for brawl #5. We also took first place in brawl #5 earning us a total of 17 crowns and 654 merits!

Fray #PersonWin/Loss
1: Novice all cardsShawnmichael-gt6/3
2: Novice all cardsTeerandom3/3
3: Novice chaos onlyThelunacysystem3/3
4: Novice Alpha/Beta onlyLunacy-Venari2/1
5: Bronze all cardsFake-Shemp2/4
6: Bronze all cardsWhtknight733/3
7: Bronze chaos onlyAtbui893/2
8: Silver all cardsA3manolo4/1
9: Silver all cardsPrxhunter5/0
10: Silver chaos onlyNaive-God4/0
11: Bronze all GFNaive-Bot4/0
12: Bronze chaos GFNaive-Panda1/0
13: Silver all GFPandaman200011/0


Post Brawl Thoughts: We are no longer playing with a disadvantage! We have access to our gladiators once again which was the difference in some battles as stated by guildmates. Personally, I am really only able to use gladiators on my main account thus it does not make a huge difference to me...but I am happy to hear that is it allowing others to thrive! I am very proud of everyone and their hard work that allowed us to earn first place. With SPS coming to brawls soon, we have made it a priority to upgrade the arena next to level 3. This requires 100 crowns but we currently have 28. Thus, it would take roughly 5 first-place finishes or 20 days to get us back to arena 3. This means that we do not have a shop to buy gladiator packs...but if you want you can leave and join another guild to use their shop and then join back.

Battles: First up is Luna on her main using Quix! (From brawl #4)

Next, is Shawn showing off his Quora, which is often considered to be the best gladiator(Brawl #5)

We have another battle from Luna (Brawl #5) (Using Zyvax...???

The Prize! With a score line of 4/1 (80%) I want to reward @a3manolo for his great efforts in the brawl! Prxhunter and Shawn both did great but A3 deserves this one!
