Splinterlands Town Hall Surprise: The Rebellion Reward Cards and the Unexpected Turnaround

in Splinterlands7 months ago

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Listening to the recent Splinterlands Town Hall was a mix of excitement and disappointment for me. The big announcement of the launch of the new Rebellion Reward cards, complete with new mechanics to unlock Soulbound cards, was certainly a surprise. But the real shock came when I learned about the unexpected change in plans regarding the unlocking of Soulbound cards for land use.

The Rebellion Reward Cards: A New Chapter with Soulbound Mechanics

The introduction of the Rebellion Reward cards marks an exciting new chapter for Splinterlands. These cards bring with them innovative Soulbound mechanics, allowing players to unlock the previous Soulbound set in ways that were previously unavailable. The concept of Soulbound cards has always intrigued me, as it adds a layer of depth and strategy to the game that keeps it fresh and engaging.

However, what was supposed to be a moment of excitement quickly turned into disappointment.

A Disheartening Turnaround: The End of Lower-Cost Unlocking for Land Use

Months ago, the Splinterlands community voted through the DAO to implement a lower-cost option for unlocking Soulbound cards specifically for use on land. This proposal, which was originally put forward by the Splinterlands team themselves, was seen as a win for those of us who have invested heavily in land and were looking forward to maximizing its potential.

To my surprise, the team has now backtracked on this promise, citing concerns about the overall health of the game’s economy. While I’ve always trusted the team to make decisions in the best interest of the game, this sudden reversal has left me feeling a bit betrayed.

The Impact on Long-Term Players and Landowners

As someone who has been deeply invested in Splinterlands for the long haul, this change feels like a punishment for those of us who have committed to the game’s future through land ownership. Land, which continues to be pushed down the priority list, was supposed to be a key component of the game’s ecosystem, and the ability to unlock Soulbound cards for land use was a crucial part of that.

Now, with this option removed, it’s hard not to feel like my long-term investment in the game is being devalued. I’ve always believed in the importance of adapting to changes in the game, but this one feels particularly discouraging.

Reevaluating My Approach to Splinterlands

This reversal has made me seriously reconsider my approach to investing in Splinterlands. While I’ve always been willing to put more capital into the game, this decision has caused me to pause. For now, I’m hesitant to add any more funds beyond what I can earn within the game using my existing assets.

I still have faith in the Splinterlands team, but this decision has shaken my confidence. I hope that over time, I’ll be able to find a way to make sense of this change, but for now, I’m left feeling less encouraged about the future of my investment in the game.

Looking Ahead: Hope for the Future

Despite this setback, I’m not giving up on Splinterlands. I’ve invested too much time, energy, and resources into the game to walk away now. However, I’ll be more cautious about future decisions, especially when it comes to adding new capital to the game.

I hope that the Splinterlands team can find a way to balance the economy while still honoring the commitments made to long-term players and landowners. After all, it’s this community that has supported the game through its ups and downs, and it’s crucial that our investments are respected.

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I was just like you but in the past 6 months I did sell all my assets. Time will tell if this was a wise or stupid decision. Luckily I got away with a profit.
But the complete Splinterlands journey did made me more aware of the risks. And also sell when it is a hype. Could have earned some much more but also could have lost it all.

I actually have no idea but feel I am still in profit because of the profits I took back in the previous run. I enjoy the ecosystem too much to sell out but that can change rather quickly indeed. I am feeling the same way in HIVE as well so need to take a step back and think of things and what I really think the future looks like for me in these economies...