I thought it was 45 staff out of the whole company which is closer to 30%?
But with that said, they tried to grow too much too fast and forgot to look after the basics.
The bear market just brought it to the fore with a lot of their reserves held in crypto but instead of delivering on a good game experience and on their promises the team tried to build ten projects at once.
None of which helped the game, user retention or growth.
Instead a lot of them were fads and money grabs. A long way from the early days.
It's been downhill since they nuked the lower leagues and killed off all the growth that was happening and driving the game forward.
I hope that this is a good reality check to focus on what's really important and to tighten up the team and the delays.
I'm sticking with it and watching their next moves but I think they will come though the bear intact.
Yeah they did seem to cater to the bigger players and those with more assets. Which kills growth because the little guy doesn't feel like he / she has a chance. Need to bring back that excitement for lower leagues for sure.