My first official give away!
Let's talk about last season and how ridiculous the prices for our gold foils! This makes me want to have a lot of cards instead of paying almost 2000 DEC like me last season! How much did you guys spent?
I am satisfied with my loot last season, how about you guys?
Since this is my first give away I am going to be a bit generous with 2 chances of winning!
I am giving away my Gargoya Lion to one winner and 50DEC to the second winner using wheel of names ( all you have to do is comment your IGN and like this post! You do not need to follow me but if you want daily/weekly give aways then come hope in mate!
Winners will be posted on my next give away post which is 24 hours from now with minimum of 10 applicants.
Good luck!
i like that Gargoya Lion! @iceman23 more power to you! Looking forward to your next post! Cheers!
I agree! This made me win lots of matches today! Cheers!
Congratulations and goodluck! Hoping to be part of your give aways.
thanks so much for the opportunity! my IGN is vodka8
@xianeren12 Hope to win..goodluck and godbless..
Hope to get that card. IGN: banjong
ty so much!
ign: @helicopter-d
thanks for this giveaway! ign jnzm1
@deemosplinter , congrats and thank you for this wonderful event
ign gustavo09
Luck is on my side! I am satisfied in what I got . . .hehe
I'm in! @deathfool
Thanks! @squishna
Give me the chance lol. ign: @xenonia
Count me in! @zenitsu12
@iori1920 hope i'll win ^_^
I wouldn't mind help leveling that, I'm in! @half-fast
Congrats on the gold Seedsmith, and thanks for the giveaways!
im in! @kursen
Ign: lokiroki
@dangerkill is my ign, Thanks for the giveaway sir!
great loot there ign alito
Thanks. @michlo
Gargoya Lion is a card I want! @applekah
Thank you very much for the opportunity.
IGN : Franzol
IGN: Hookerpants
Thanks for the chance!
ign: oetneb
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks for the giveaway. Entering @michaeldav
Wheel of names here we go!
IGN: ravelongonis
My end of season rewards weren't so great:( but I hope I win this new reward card

Aww! Better luck on the next loot! I am listing down names for this give away now! I hope the wheel of names will be attracted to your user. :) you have less than an hour left. please comment your ign for me to include you on the list!
Hi, thanks for the giveaway!
My IGN is nane-qts
Great job as always to all who do giveaways like this.@ctulhudesu
Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
IGN: @pwnappletea
Thanks for the giveaway!
Im in for the Gargoya Lion! @ashborn23
Hi. Hoping I can get some cards sa giveaway. My username is @kristoff-18 . Thanks a lot!
@citarre is wary of likes but will consent.
Nice, Thank you
Ign: greederist
not that baaad of a flip :D gg! my in game name is @dusi. cheers!
Nice.. Hope I can win 😊😊 @kheeem
Ign: naychop
count me in
Thanks for the giveaway! @mcgilli
Awesome! 2 chances of winning!
IGN: @rorybadory