I logged into Soulkeep a minute ago and was pleasantly surprised to see the reset has been completed and we can start doing the gateway maps for league 1 now.
There was a pop-up from DC when I logged in that stated the reset had been completed and that tournaments would restart on Monday with new changes in effect. They then link to a google doc with changes listed which has been linked in previous threads. See here if you need... https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vQJLWiQyNf_6_p77Lqi9rvBTyOQ2H6D1zu9dPEr3DWJRc_IuWO2tAP9JyK66zHgEaVnPkZ7nKLPhvPZ/pub?pli=1
I did click battle and was taken to the tower select screen, though I immediately backed out to come here and spread the word. So it appears we can go ahead and start working through the gateway levels while we wait for tournaments to restart.
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