Advancing to Diamond 1 - Season 9

in Splinterlands3 months ago

Hello everyone! After starting the season at Diamond 2, I advanced to Diamond 1 and got some chests to open. Let's see what they bring me:



7 wasted on potions is not great. I also got a few Merits and it was enough for me to open 1 Gladius pack, because I had some saved up Merits. 14 energy was pretty good. That's a lot of extra battles. The most exciting part was the 3 epics. 1 Olivia puts me just 1 BCX away from max level and the 2 Shock Troopers also put me 1 BCX away from max level. Shock Trooper isn't super exciting because it just gets Magic Reflect but I use it mostly in Back to Basics. However, Olivia is a fantastic card and every copy matters! Not bad overall.