Welcome to my new daily content: the battle of the day!
The battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_1d85846d5776bfd3b10f1150c057acb0
This is a ranked Diamond match. The game has the following rule sets: Unprotected, Shades of Gray, and Maneuvers. I picked Tofu and put Chaos Agent in front, followed by Halfling Refugee. I followed them up with Venator Kinjo and Xenith Archer. They opted for Quix with the same 2 units in front (although theirs is 2 levels lower than mine). They finished with Uraeus and Doctor Blight.
I gave Divine Shield and Corrosive Ward (useless in Unprotected) to all my units except for Venator. My Archer hit their Agent but it got Poisoned by Uraeus. Both Halflings and Doctor Blight missed their attacks. In round 2, my Archer hit again, and Uraeus died to Thorns. My Halfling finished their Agent. Their Halfling and Blight hit their attacks but thankfully no Poison stuck on my Agent. In round 3 my Archer went down to the Poison and my Halfling finished theirs. Doctor Blight was at 6 HP but it went down to 4, after missing the attack. In round 5, my Halfling put Doctor Blight at 1 HP, however, this time he didn't miss and got the Poison on my Agent, so it died. In round 6, my Halfling got Exhausted. Venator put Blight at 1 HP again and it got the Poison once more. Round 7 saw another Exhaust but it didn't matter since my Venator was able to finish their last monster.
I hope you liked this new content!