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RE: After All These Years On Splinterlands...

in Splinterlands2 years ago

They announced in yesturdays Town Hall that Runi will get connected sometimes next week, but could be delayed.

When Nate talked about land yesturday I became very excited and I think, mostly based on the latter, that SPL has a bright future🤓

Hang in there mate, maybe your "live of SPL" has been put on delay, but you will get there.

I am positive,the way you feel now is just a mechanism that comes with a terrible bear market unfortunately...

  • Collectively we will all be pessimists in this kind of market, until we are not❤️

Cheers, see you in the battles!


Yeah lol living off this game isn't going to happen any time soon but hey....It was fun while it lasted last year lol

Posted using Splintertalk
