Top 3 Chaos Legion Legendaries

in Splinterlands2 years ago

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Before I get into this I want to say that I´m talking about maxed out cards and don´t include summoners. I also want to clarify that this is my opinion based on my experience in battles and I´m open for discussion. Another point worth mentioning is that those cards might not be the best option for your deck since they usually require cards that synergize well with them.

When I want to talk about my Top 1 card, I actually have to talk about multiple cards.

Let´s get straight to it. Fiends are my Top1!

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Why? Well, they are obviously extraordinarily unique. The only other 0 Mana card in the game is the furious chicken Whereas the Fiends buff/debuff the whole team, the chicken´s ability only buffs itself and that´s only the case if it survives an attack which usually just happens in rulesets like equal health. It has the benefit that it´s a neutral card, but also the major downside that it costs almost 4 times as much as fiends (maxed out). The free Buffs/Debuffs fiends offer are so valuable in low mana matches and can make the difference between losing and winning. We also don´t know if they will bring out new 0 Mana Monsters in the future. So fiends might be some of the most hyped cards in the future.

Now let´s talk about my Top2.

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Chaos Dragon is an absolut Beast. With a total of 8 Magic Damage per turn it literally smashes deep holes into your opponents team! It hits up to 3 enemies at once while dealing 4 damage to the one it hits and also 2 damage to each side. The Blast ability combined with Scattershot is definitley devastating since no little Heal or Repair minion is safe and it always hits the opponent in a way he can´t prepare for unless he has taunt or only 1 monster on the field. Also Blind is a major advantage in every battle and not just in niche situations like some other abilities. Now if that weren´t enough, you get Flying on top which makes it the perfect card for high mana earthquake battles and increases the chance to evade melee/Ranged attacks by 25%. It synergizes very well with Delwyn Dragonscale which makes it deal additional 3 damage. Let´s see if the upcoming Chaos Legion legendary summoner has even greater buffs to offer for Chaos Dragon.

Last but not least my Top3

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It´s Queen Mycelia First of all she has Rust and Protect which allows to reduce the Armor of the entire enemy team by 2 and increase the armor of your entire team by 2. By adding up all the armor difference between you and your opponent, you get a huge advantage right at the beginning of the battle. Another of her abilities is Triage which synergizes very well with Mycelic Slipspawn. Add Obsidian, a main tank like Pelacor Mercenary and some other support cards like Wood Nymph, Spirit Hoarder, Centauri Mage, Fungus Fiend and Djinn Biljka and you´re good to go. Amplify is a great addition if you have cards with Thorns, Magic Reflect or Return Fire. Centauri Mage gets a double synergy here with Mycelia since the return fire ability gets amplified and it repairs the additional armor from Mycelia.

Thanks for Reading and feel free to comment and discuss this :)
See you on the Blockchain


Great post.
I agree fiends are essential in diamond / champ. Mycelia with khmer princess and failed summoner is a dream team too 👍