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RE: Reward Cards Update

in Splinterlands7 months ago (edited)

Nice 49,962,795 Card Power @michealb, not surprised you like the idea of burning DEC to unlock Chaos Legion Reward Cards.

@michealb is also mentioned a lot on the Discord Splinterlands Server SPS-Treasurers channel?

If I had large amounts of SL assets and could unlock my Reward cards I'd be rubbing my hands too.

Once the Discord Trader-Chat Channel starts its workout after Aug 15th I'd be able to flog a load of unbound cards and make a mint!

But then I'm not in the SPS Treasurers Channel and will have to settle for soul-bound cards.

I wonder why this game is widely viewed as a Whale game?


i don't think i will be unlocking any cards.🤔 i will be looking for certain cards as cheap as possible though.

Mee too.
I also think I will not unlock any card.
Just keep playing when it's possible

That's fair enough.

You mean your main and known account will behave properly.

No, really, you guys think we are stupid or born yesterday?

I know people with a tenth of your public assets that works with up to 6 alt accounts to spread the noise, but somehow all top 20 whales in the game never sell any asset, only buy more, meanwhile DEC, SPS and cards are cratering... No one can figure why!

i used to bot with 5 -6 alts, now most stuff is on land.i also don't spend time thinking much about others i.e if they are stupid or not.😃
