My match today is against one of the best Splinterlands players whom I admire. I fought against him in one of the SPS DAO free tournaments in the Silver League. I wasn't fortunate in this tournament because only the top 80 players would get SPS rewards. Nevertheless, I'm happy because I got to battle Schnapoon and emerged victorious in our match. If you look at his lineup, his defense and offense are strategically placed according to the ruleset.
In Schnapoon's lineup, you'll see that he used Mylor Crowling as his summoner, who has the thorns ability to provide protection against melee attackers. And because of a ruleset return fire, he expected his opponent to use magic attackers instead of ranged attackers, so he used two monsters with magic reflect to counter magic attackers. In the 3rd position, he used Oaken Behemoth, a multiple type attacker with void armor and reach. Even though Oaken is in the 3rd position, he can still attack because of his magic attack ability and reach when he's positioned in the 2nd position. In the 4th position, he used Scavo Hireling to repair and armor his units. In the 5th position, he used Queen Mycelia to give armor to all of his units, and because Queen Mycelia has amplify, she strengthens the damage of return damage caused by return fire and magic reflect. In the last position, he used Ancient Redwood, a ranged attacker with true strike and reflection shield ability. Even though he's a ranged attacker, he won't be affected by the return damage of return fire because of his reflection shield ability.
In Schnapoon's lineup, he perfectly used his defense against magic and melee attackers, making it difficult for you to attack with this kind of lineup.
Despite his excellent defense setup, I still won against him. Come, let's see how I won our match.
42 Mana cap the elements that you can choice is water, earth,life, and dragon. The ruleset are healed out, equalizer and fire & regret.
The summoner I chose for this battle is Possibilus The Wise to give all units an additional +2 health. And because I'll be using melee attackers in the battle, trample could be helpful if it triggers. For the first position, I chose Dumacke Orc, a melee attacker with shield and retaliate abilities at level 5. Because one of the rules is equalizer, Dumacke Orc's life will increase based on the opponent with the highest life on the battlefield. His shield will help defend against melee attackers. For the 2nd position, I chose Daigendark Surveyor, a non-attack monster with magic reflect ability at level 3. Daigendark Surveyor's magic reflect will help defend against magic attackers. For the 3rd position, I chose Kulu Mastermind, a melee attacker with weapons training, opportunity, and shield. Kulu Mastermind's weapons training will provide attack ability to Daigendark Surveyor and Noa The Just. For the 4th position, I chose Noa The Just, a non-attack monster with rust ability at level 2. Noa The Just's rust ability will reduce the opponent's armor by -2. For the 5th position, I chose Daarg Deadblast, a magic attacker with swiftness and weapons training abilities. Daarg Deadblast's swiftness will provide an additional +1 speed to all units, and the weapons training ability will provide additional magic attack ability to Noa The Just and magic attack ability to Clockwork Aide. And for the last position, I chose Clockwork Aide, a non-attack monster with swiftness ability. Clockwork Aide's swiftness ability will again provide an additional +1 speed to all units.
Because the opponent placed a monster with 9 health on the battlefield, Dumacke Orc gained +10 health, plus an additional +2 from Possibilus, so Dumacke Orc's total health, along with other units, became 12.
Because Noa The Just is caught between two weapons training with different attack abilities, he acquired two types of attack abilities. And adition because of the rust ability from Noa The Just he cancel out the additional +2 armor given by Queen Mycelia.
In round 2, I killed his two monsters with 2 magic reflect. Despite the opponent having thorns plus amplify, Kulu Mastermind and Dumacke Orc didn't feel much damage because of the shields they possessed. In this round, my Dumacke Orc was also killed by the opponent's Queen Mycelia.
In round 3, Daigendark Surveyor executed a suicide attack to kill Oaken Behemoth.
In round 6, because Ancient Redwood is a ranged attacker and lacks close ranged ability, it couldn't attack the 1st position. So, in this round, my battle against Schnapoon ended.
- Despite my opponent having thorns, the shield ability helped reduce the damage from thorns on the melee attacker.
- I also avoided thorns damage by using magic attackers.
- Because one of the rulesets is "no heals," I promptly eliminated the unit with magic reflect to prevent my magic attack unit from being immediately defeated.
Until next social media challenge bye for now.
All the images in this article are credited to
Data of daily focus chest, print, and circulation supply picture from
The Splinterlands divider is credited to lorddiablo.
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