I'm really liking these tutorial posts of yours lately. I knew some of the things in them, but I always find myself learning more. I didn't know that Blocktrades had that big of a vote, and it is interesting to see how the big voters look like. I guess we have a lot to thank theycallmedan for getting our proposal over the return proposal.
I am writing these post because we are trying to get new people into writing blogs and also trying to get bloggers into gaming:)
I have seen some people in the SPL discord share their posts in Hive. So I think it is working bit by bit.
who are they, please give me a list of their names
I haven't really been keeping track, but these are the ones I saw recently. These are their Hive usernames:
I know them all peripherally
shadowch4aser hive profile does not exist, check the name please
oh without the a, sorry: