The first thing I must clarify is that I am not an economist, and that I really know nothing about the subject, and that, although many study the market I just watch the game, I like to play Splinterlands and I do it without interest of a remuneration even so I get it.
It's been about a month since I didn't play due to lack of time when I came back I was in bronze. And I played all the previous full season with my account, I had the opportunity to climb to silver 2 times in the season I was top 683 but what I saw was a very big alarm for the game, with in new SPS system with multiplier, added to the elimination of the bot in the modern league has generated a new system for players with high bet in SPS, which can reach a massive loss of its value in a short term if the players simply took the sps earned instead of betting it.
At the moment this situation is not happening on a large scale, but it may be an alarm point that we all need to keep in mind.
Apparently the fall of the sps in the previous days is only due to the fact that it is stuck to the value of hive and that it has lost value, but we also have to add this new strategy that is becoming more and more visible, and that we must take into account, and everyone has to imagine what I'm talking about right now.
DROP DOWN THE LEAGUE TO WIN MORE AND EVEN GET INTO THE TOP FOR LEAGUE PRIZES! It is the strategy of several players at the moment to win more battles with little difficulty,
Its multiplier is very high and it is noticeable in the gain of sps and it is also noticeable in the competition that the players have at the time of doing a battle, we will not enclose the problem that may be starting to be generated in the game only to this factor, but we would also have to add that the rents are touching their point of lowest known value with what comes out in favor of renting expensive cards with ease since the expense is returned without much inconvenience. This means that at this moment the game is at a "balanced" point for players with less and more resources. I personally did not need to rent cards for more than a year, but the numbers say that I can do it quietly and substantially improve my game so this season I will rent cards to get higher, and surely I will join the strategy staying in a lower league than the one I played before in order to cover the rentals and have a higher profit. The difficulty between leagues has increased incredibly and the game is at its highest competitive level so NOT EVERYTHING IS NEGATIVE, just keep an eye open to what could cause this strategy in the price of sps, and if all this can be supported or we will see a collapse in the coming months.
I am interested to know what you think about this situation!
Hey and you still don't know what Splinterlands is?
It's a digital collectible card game built on blockchain technology.It is similar to games like Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone where players build a collection of cards with different attributes and battle against other players in skill-based matches. You can collect cards, level them up and fight for great prizes.
and if you want you can join this great family from the banner below! Greetings and see you next time!
. All images made by me with corel draw taking the images from the SPLINTERLANDS chart.
. banners created by me with inspiration from google resources and with the logo taken from the official SPLINTERLADS website.
. The png of the words ENGLISH and SPANISH were created on this page
. The separator bars were designed by me INSPIRED BY ONE I SAW A WHILE AGO ON HIVE
. Translated with
Lo primero que debo aclarar es que no soy economista, y que realmente no se nada del tema, y que, aunque muchos estudian el mercado yo solo veo el juego, me gusta jugar Splinterlands y lo hago sin interés de una remuneración aun así la consigo.
Hace aproximadamente un mes que no jugaba por falta de tiempo cuando volví estaba en bronce. Y jugué toda la temporada anterior completa con mi cuenta, tuve la oportunidad de subir a plata 2 veces en la temporada quedé top 683 pero lo que vi fue una alarma muy grande para el juego, con en nuevo sistema de SPS con multiplicador, sumado a la eliminación de los bot en la liga modern se a generado un nuevo sistema para jugadores con apuesta alta en SPS, que puede llegar a una perdida masiva de su valor en un corto plazo si los jugadores simplemente sacaran el sps ganado en vez de apostarlo
En este momento esta situación no esta pasando a gran escala, pero puede ser un punto de alarma que todos tenemos que tener en vista
Aparentemente la caída del sps en los días anteriores solo se debe a que esta pegado al valor de hive y que el mismo a perdido valor, pero también tenemos que sumarle esta nueva estrategia que se esta haciendo cada vez mas visible, y que debemos tener en cuenta, ya todos tienen que imaginarse de que estoy hablando en estos momentos.
BAJAR DE LIGA PARA GANAR MAS HE INCLUSO ENTRAR EN EL TOP POR PREMIOS DE LIGAS! Es la estrategia de varios jugadores en este momento para ganar mas batallas con poca dificultad,
Su multiplicador es muy alto y se nota en la ganancia de sps y también se nota en la competencia que tienen los jugadores a la hora de realizar una batalla, no vamos a encerrar el problema que puede estar empezando a generarse en el juego solo a este factor, sino que también tendríamos que sumar que los alquileres están tocando su punto de valor mas bajo conocido con lo que sale a favor alquilar cartas caras con facilidad ya que el gasto es devuelto sin mucho inconveniente. Haciendo que en estos momentos el juego este en un punto “equilibrado” para los jugadores con menos y mas recursos. Yo personalmente no necesitaba alquilar cartas desde hace más de un año, pero los números dicen que puedo hacerlo tranquilamente y mejorar sustanciosamente mi juego por lo que esta temporada alquilare cartas para llegar mas alto, y seguramente me sumo a la estrategia quedándome en una liga mas baja de la que jugaba antes con fin de cubrir los alquileres y tener un mayor veneficio. La dificultad entre ligas se ha incrementado increíblemente y el juego esta a nivel competitivo en su punto mas alto por lo que NO TODO ES NEGATIVO, solo hay que tener un ojo abierto a lo que podría provocar esta esta estrategia en el precio del sps, y si todo esto se puede soportar o veremos un desplome en los próximos meses
Me interesa saber que opinas sobre esta situación!
Hey y aun no sabes que es Splinterlands?
Es un juego de cartas coleccionables digital construido sobre tecnología blockchain. Es similar a juegos como Magic the Gathering y Hearthstone donde los jugadores construyen una colección de cartas con diferentes atributos y luchan contra otros jugadores en partidas basadas en habilidades. Puedes recolectar las cartas, subirlas de nivel y luchar por grandes premios
y si quieres puedes sumarte a esta gran familia desde el banner de más abajo! Saludos y hasta la próxima!
. Todas las imágenes hechas por mi con corel draw sacando las imágenes de la carta de SPLINTERLANDS.
. banners creados por mi con inspiración de recursos de google y con el logo sacado de la pagina oficial de SPLINTERLADS
. Los png de las palabras ENGLISH Y ESPAÑOL fueron creados en esta página
. Las barras de separación fueron diseñadas por mí INSPIRADA EN UNA QUE VI HACE UN TIEMPO EN HIVE
. Traducido con
i can say as a top player that i like play with full gold foil cards to be able earn much more from rankeds and have opportunity to big wins from gold foil tournaments. Of course sell pressure with sps comes from players, who rent a lot and want cover their rentals with swaping sps to dec. So yes i earn much more than average player, but even with my cards and i have over 200 gold foil cards i still rent cards for about 2.5-3k dec/day. So if i want to make profit i need to earn like 120 sps per day, which is not easy to do if my performance is bad or i am tired of playing much rankeds and i only use energy without buying more. Anyway there always was sps sell pressure if not from real players it was from bot owners. If someone like me have enough sps for x12 bonus i not need more so i conver my earnings sps for dec. Is that bad for ecosystem? I think not really, because still my dec, which i spent some burns, when i pay fee for renting cards. If token is cheap then less people try to make roi, because is hard to have enough dec for sps, so sometimes i not play whole season only when are gold foils tournaments to cover cost of my rentals.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121