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RE: .

in Splinterlands3 years ago (edited)

You have it the complete other way around, but that is no surprise around here. You think I give a single fuck about the $200 I made from blogging? LMAO. Go have a look at the timeline of my posts. I wrote 2-3 posts per week on average. Does that look like someone that did it for the money? While others write garbage and get circle-jerked to death constantly by the biggest wallets from all sorts of shady accounts - so you go ahead and shame them, instead of attacking the weakest targets. Does anyone around here have a shame button at all? You are pointing the finger at the wrong person here, so spare me the fucking lecture. I deleted my posts, because nobody here deserves to read any of my fucking words - not now or EVER. It's called "freedom of choice". Aren't you into that freedom stuff yourself?

Its a garbage dump of scumbags, thugs, two-faced liars, serial abusers and thieves, but most of all hypocrites based on their own perceived self worth and entitlement - then they point at everyone else and call them entitled. IF you are however super keen to read my words, I have left all the posts up on steem.

Comments like this are so damn ridiculous. GO and have a look a the sheer amount of work that I put into those research posts, and then accuse me of doing it for a few shekels. That is deeply offensive. Only shows me that I made the right decisions and nothing else.

P.S. I'm glad you decided it was worth "your time" to write a single comment on one of my posts after almost 4 years on the blockchain. One must truly wonder why it took so long, and what the true intent of your heart was all this time. It also makes one wonder why it took a post such as this for that to happen. You can go ahead and try the usual proof of stake shaming tactics as much as you please, but I don't fall for that bullshit matter "who" you are. The filth that you are all protecting, are the one's you should all be shaming. They behave like authoritarians and dictators with the characteristics of non-human entities - apparently all of the things you claim to oppose/try to expose. This is when one gets to really see the true intent of another's heart.