SPLINTERLANDS | Win a Match with Uriel the Purifier new Legendary Life Monster with 15 Melee attacks!!

in Splinterlands3 years ago



Hi Splinterlands friends, you may wonder Uriel the Purifier new Legendary Life Chaos Monter has a good chance to win low Mana Matches by himself. To be honest, having a monster with Flying, Recharge combined with Heal at Level 2 is really overpowered in Silver and Gold Leagues. Let me recall first of what these abilities means.

  • Flying : Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability.
  • Recharge : This Monster attacks every other round but does 3x damage. (In Uriel the Purifier case would be 9 Melee at level 2 every even Round)
  • Heal : Restores a portion of the Monster in the first position's health each round (Restores 1/3 of the max health, rounded up in Uriel the Purifier case would be 4 heal at level 2 )


Battle Review :

First Let me explain Match Rulesets so u can see how Uriel Deliverd 15 Melee attacks.

  1. Silenced Summoners : Summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities.
  2. Spreading Fury : All Monsters have the Enrage ability. (Enarage : Increase Melee attack and Speed when damaged. Values are multiplied by 1.5 and rounded up. In Uriel case it would be 5 Melee multiply by 3 (using Recharge) equals to 15 Melee attacks.)

This Battle was low Mana Match so I used only 2 Monsters though Uriel the Purifier was enough to beat enemy. Let me introduce my team:

Tyrus Paladium : Although Summoner was silenced by Match Ruleset, this Rare Life Beta Summoner at level 3 enabled me to use Uriel the Purifier Legendry Monster Level 2 in Silver League.Tyrus Paladium.png
Pelacor Conjurer : Common Life New Reward Monster with Fly and Magic Reflect (When hit with Magic damage, does reduced Magic damage back to the attacker) at Level 4. Though I didnt have Magic Reflect because mine was Level 3 , It is nice to have Monster with 2 Mana and 5 hit points with Magic Reflect to fit in your team in Low Mana Match.Pelacor Conjurer.png
Uriel the Purifier : My carry Monster which I explained with Flying, Recharge combined with Heal at Level 2 delivered 15 Melee attacks at every Monster in enemy's team to wiped them out nicely in Spreding Fury Ruleset Match.Uriel the Purifier.png

Battle Link

Battle Images :









Combining what we discussed earlier, Uriel the Purifier is a good carry Monster especially in low Mana Matches. It has 3 abilities Flying, Recharge and Heal at Level 2 good to use in Silver League which can destroy any Monster with heal or be healed by other enemy Monsters easily.


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