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RE: Soulbound Reward Card Proposal - Immediate and Ongoing Accessibility

in Splinterlands7 months ago

There is an easy way to get rid of bots just implement KYC ie: 1 account per person, then do away with the ridiculous season pass for wild & unlock soulbound when the next card set is released. Unfortunately all Matt is interested in these days is grabbing as much money from as many people as possible so the season pass is here to stay & the loss of players will increase overtime as the "new" players (who he thinks are sufficient to replace old players that have abandoned this game) will realise they are wasting money buying cards they will not be able to use after ± 2 years unless they are willing to be screwed every single season for money. This entire project is almost as big a scan & rug pull as Terra


i agree with your first point but not the rest...

is that not covering the period when the wild fee was introduced?

I think the bot thing was way out of control and they need to bring in a complete ban.

You're correct. People have abandoned this game. Save yourself time and money and jump ship too. You're only going to find diehards here who are going to ignore the fact that Splinterlands is dead like Dave McCoy.

I love playing Ranked and, as long as that is the case, I will keep playing!

Completely agree. The writing is on the wall.