Here's my first weekly battle challenge post!
~~~ embed:1552780553690161153?s=20&t=pv-RKKQK8yrtDQJYUhvrqw twitter metadata:X3BlcHBlcmhhcnJvd3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9fcGVwcGVyaGFycm93L3N0YXR1cy8xNTUyNzgwNTUzNjkwMTYxMTUzfA== ~~~
I have left comment on your post and response is required before we curate
I have fulfilled your request by posting an introduction and I have not yet heard back from you. I feel as though I have done nothing wrong. I have been compliant with your request and yet I am getting no response.
Can another Splinterlands curator assist?
@yonilkar @mango-juice @marianaemilia
Thank you.