Hello everyone, today I will show you a battle with Goblin Psychic, this week´s challenge.
In this battle I used Unicorn Mustang in the first position as a tank, because he has a lot of health and has the void ability (reduced damage from magic attacks).
For the second position I used Failed Summoner, because he has 4 health, which isn´t bad, so I used him as a second tank, though it can only take some damage, he has the Magic Reflect ability (when hit with magic damage, does reduced magic damage back to the attacker), which is a very useful ability against magic attackers.
For third position I used Regal Peryton. I used him as the third position because he has a lot of health, which could be a tank after Unicorn Mustang and Failed Summoner dies, also he has the flying ability (has an increased chance of evading melee or ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the flying ability), which is good evading melee and range attacks.
For the fourth position I used Goblin Psychic. I used him at that position and not in the front because he have the tank heal ability (restores a portion of the monster in the first position's health each round), so if I used him at front, it would die and can´t heal the other monsters left.
For the fifth and last position I used Khmer Princess. I used him there because I thought that he could hold some attacks from enemy monsters with sneak ability (targets the last monster on the enemy team instead of the first monster).
My did worked. After Unicorn Mustang died, Failed Summoner took some damage. Regal Peryton also took some damage after Failed Summoner died, and Goblin Psychic helped with the healing. For the next time I will probably use the same strategy again, since I haven´t lost.
I like Goblin Psychic, he is a really good card because of the healing and because of the high magic damage, normally I used him when I use the Earth teams. The only problem is that it uses a lot of mana, but because of the healing and the high damage, for me is ok.
Thanks for sharing! - @libertycrypto27