Don't open your gifts before morning
I've been avoiding renting the CP at the last day to earn silver tier rewards for a couple of seasons and today I got a surprise I wasn't expecting. As the last two seasons, I finished in Bronze II. So, I opened my chests and not only received a Legendary card, but I also got a second Lava Launcher.
I'll take this opportunity to play around with Oshannus and share with you a few battles. It's really nice how a single card can make you want to play more and more the game you already like so much.
Oshannus Showcase
This dude's actually pretty insane. As a Legendary card, Reward Edition, his stats don't disappoint. 10 Health makes him already a nice tank, but that paired with the fact that he has 5 spd and the Void ability at lvl 1, he can counter some teams that rely primarily on units that deal 1 magic damage and some melee tank. At level 2 he gets the Phase ability, which gives him the possibility to even dodge magic attacks. With 5 spd (let's be real, most of us are gonna pair him with Kelya, so, 6 spd), he is gonna dodge a lot.
This is not the first time I'm going to use this card, since I love to rent it, but I took this chance to try some things instead of just using him for the most ideal situation. Here are my results:
The Battles
First Battle
This is a broken arrows, 99 mana battle. The high mana pool is ideal to mess around with, so I just paired Oshannus with a few other high mana costs units. I particularly picked Disintegrator for the Demoralize and Venari Wavesmith for the extra shields.
Since my enemy didn't pick any magic damage unit, Serpent of Eld it's quite the problem for him, while I'm melting through his serpent.
The first enemy frontline fell, even though he has a healer and I don't.
Fast forward to round six and my Serpent is, as Elton John once said, still standing. I'll let you guess the outcome of the battle.
Second Battle
This time it's a reverse speed battle and the mana available it's not that high, so pulling an Oshannus is a little bit bold, but let's roll with it. I picked Gargoya Lion as my tank 'cause 1 spd plus Flying turns out to be annoying as hell in this kind of battle.
It took me only 2 rounds to get rid of the Serpent and the enemy Deeplurker kept missing his attacks on my Nymph, so this is going better than expected.
Round 4 ends with Kulu Swimhunter in the frontline and that's pretty much the end of the fun.
A few closing words
To begin this conclusion of sorts, I'm gonna share a few battles I lost, just for the sake of it.
I tried again to use him in this no-high enough mana battles and got out damaged. As a tank he can shine mainly in "no melee units" battles. Also, if you can sneak in a Creeping Ooze, the whole water splinter gets a "boost", kinda. Oshannus is the perfect example of what the splinter meta is about nowadays, magic damage and speeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed.
Idea for the next post, speedrunning with Oshannus, maybe?