Rental statistic 27.05.2024: 88.051 DEC ↗

in Splinterlands8 months ago


Temple Priest60no2.086
Flying Squid220no2.003
Coastal Nymph247no2.612
Cruel Sethropod400no2.720
River Hellondale6no2.904
Twilight Basilisk1yes0.133
Twilight Basilisk1yes0.100
Twilight Basilisk1yes0.100
Twilight Basilisk1yes0.100
Gargoya Lion522no2.100
Fenmoor Haunt14no0.639
Grimbardun Smith5no2.000
Gobalano Soldier14no0.549
Wailing Wraith5no0.794
Chuul Jujinchi14no0.500
Ulundin Regulator5no1.030
Helheim Demon5no0.780
Chaos Animator14no0.771
Gobson Sniper5no0.602
Avina of the Wolf5no1.150
Thanalorian Archer5no0.500
Ahna-Chei Botanist14no0.600
Blackmoor Trickster15no0.474
Blackmoor Nymph5no1.770
Chaos Orc14no0.547
Anachron Bolter5no1.108
Kha'zi Fire Mage22no0.480
Brewmaster Abraxas14no0.408
New Sskah Drudge14no0.440
Nimbledook Scout14no0.637
Dolfar Darflak14no0.118
Mad Ogre Anarchist5no2.060
Mar Toren Seeker16no0.819
Aria Bandit14no0.518
Daigendark Surveyor14no0.610
Skyspire Yak16no0.473
Sultry Barmaid17no0.650
Albahoo Forester14no0.544
Prophet Rosa5no1.020
Daigendark Hunter5no0.593
Sea Dog of Eight5no0.534
Torch Myrmidon5no0.527
Meriput Magician14no1.445
Nimbledook Ranger14no0.588
Flame Mephit10no0.959
Swell Spore Beast5no0.708
Anasth Soothsayer5no3.999
Prunda Undervesch14no0.540
Ujurak Mystic14no0.517
Lurking Puffer14no0.871
Chaos Jailer5no0.530
Torch Vizier5no2.317
Argarux Magus5no0.684
Moxian Rebel5no16.830
Grimbardun Fighter14no0.586
Silverblade Fighter5no0.636
Chaos Rear Guard14no0.522
Pirate of Eight5no1.059
Ulundin Overseer14no2.000
Endless Ape14no0.609
Underboss Fabino14no1.094
Muspelheim Demon5no0.625
Drybone Bowdog5no0.864

Total: 88.051 DEC


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