Get your gamble going with SplinterGames discord bot ! Where you can play PVP ( player versus player) luck based games to wager and win DEC/SPS !
This innovative PVP gambling removes our fears of the system being rigged ! Here... when you lose , its not the owner who gets your money , but another player ( which opens paths for friendly competitions around it ! )
There is also a faucet - which drips free DEC and SPS every 10 minutes for everyone ( no requirements )
Currently you can play 3 different types of games :
These are like normal Rock/Paper/Scissor game : every element(splinter) defeats 2 other & can be defeated by 2 elements ! you can select your starter element or have it selected at random by the bot and some other player will select their element.
2. Games
This is a simple High roll game ! both players roll a random number ( 1-100 ) , the player with thehighest number wins
3. Challenges
A challenge is a wager on Splinterlands challenge match.
My Stats From the game :
The group has a faucet channel , which drips DEC and SPS every 10 minutes !
Join the group and set up your account , after which you can get 20 DEC for free to try out all the stuffs from the game ! ( you can withdraw them too , but... i recommend you to play ! the game's veryyyy fair + fun :)
JOIN Splinter Games NOW
Thanks for the great review Goob! I'm glad you've been enjoying the service. :)
thanks to you for making the greatest service :)
Where can I find this?