One monsters against Batallion of monsters

in Splinterlands2 years ago

Hello everybody I come again this week to write another post in Splinterlands Community in order to join this contest Social Media Challenge this is an event held by Splinterlands every week. Hundreds of Splinterlands players will do a blog to follow this event. Today I will talk about how to battle the Jared Scar monster who has Bloodlust ability. This is the alternative strategy if you don't have this monster. This battle happens in the Equal Opportunity ruleset.

This is a battle in the Modern Format Diamond League, I played with my scholar account from Balthazar.

The guide presents a strategy on how to advance through the ranks by utilizing reasonably priced or cheap-to-rent monsters that can still prove effective. So no Expensive card to rent in my guide.

Battle Link

If you want to watch the full battle link you can click Here.
For the video :


From left to right :

  • Equal Opportunity, all monsters have Opportunity ability.
    • Opportunity ability, monsters with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health
  • Mana Cap 37.
  • Can use all elements.

My Lineup and strategy

There is some guideline we can use, we can try to use some monsters which is very good in the opportunity / counter it :

  • Whenever rulesets like Equal Opportunity / another ruleset make the melee can attack from everywhere, we must check the enemy's battle history or suspect that the enemy will use Jared Scar.

    This monster can't miss although have a slow speed, have very high damage, and the ability of Piercing will make the damage left after hitting the armor will damage the HP. Bloodlust ability causes this monster to be very feared because every time he kills an enemy monster it will increase all of his stats, (HP, damage, armor, and speed).

  • In the Fire element has almost the same monster as Jared has Bloodlust. The monster is called Grum Flameblade, but this monster has low speed and can miss, it also doesn't have the Piercing ability and have a high mana cost requirement. So you can say it's not as good as Jared Scar and is always the second choice after Jared.

  • Because that monster has very high damage we can try to counter it with a Monster who has the ability Taunt and Forcefield to counter it. Trying to bring monsters with Taunt abilities to split damage from monsters in the first position. if we do not bring a monster with the Taunt Ability the attack can go to the monster with the lowest HP.

We decide to use Earth Element to counter those high-damage monsters because we don't have Jared. With only a 37 mana cap if we use Jacek the Conqueror summoner and Grum Flameblade, we will lack of mana for other monsters.

This is enemy lineup :

This is our lineup from left (first position) to right (last position) :

Summoner/monster and AbilitiesDescription
Obsidian, can increase the magic damage of all friendly monsters by 1.Summoner from Earth element. Earth element has many monsters with good magic damage, and we want to use it, so increasing magic by 1 will help a lot.
Pelacor Mercenary, 1st Position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Flying, Heal, and Retaliate.Put in the first position because has high HP, Flying ability (increases the chance to evade melee and ranged attack by 25%), and Heal ability. Retaliate ability make this monster can counterattack if attacked by a melee monster with a 50% chance activated.
Hill Giant, 2nd position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Stun.With 3 mana got 9 HP and has stun ability this monster is good enough to be 2nd tanker, to protect weak monsters behind.
Goblin Psychic, 3rd position, attacker and tanker. Has the ability Tank Heal, Affliction, Silence, and dispel.We use this monster because have Tank Heal, can heal monsters in first position, and its Affliction ability will make Goblin Psychic attack has 50% chance to inflict affliction status in the enemy monsters. This status makes the monster can not be healed anymore. Silence, when the battle against magic monsters this ability is very good because can decrease the magic attack by 1. Dispel is a support ability, it can clear positive Buff from enemy monsters like Bloodlust, Martyr, speed increase, etc. This monster easy to dies if attacked because only has 1 speed, so we put it in this position because I think safe enough from a monster attack.
Spirit Hoarder, 4th position, attacker. Has the ability Triage, Dispel, and Blind.More Fragile than Goblin Psychic only has 3 HP. We used this because have Triage Ability which can heal monsters not in the first position, to heal our monster with Taunt ability. Has the same ability as Goblin Psychic Dispel ability, and Blind will make all friendly monsters increase the chance to evade melee and range attacks by 15%.
Queen Mycelia, 5th position, attacker. Has the ability Protect, Amplify, Triage, and Rust.Very widely use in battle using Earth Element. Usually, Earth element summoner can't give armor. Many monsters in the Earth element do not have armor, and easily die when attacked, this monster can give +2 armor to all friendly monsters. Triage ability same as Spirit Hoarder, we used double heal to restore HP of our monster with Taunt ability. Rust's ability will make all enemy monster armor decrease by 2.
Mycelic Slipspawn, 6th position, attacker. Has the ability Taunt, Forcefield, and Slow.This is our main tanker. We need that Forcefield ability, monster with 5 damage or more only damage this monster by 1. With Taunt ability will make all enemy monsters attack this monster if they can. Has the support ability Slow, which makes all enemy monster speed decrease by 1.

The Battle

Round 1 :
The battle begins with buffs and debuffs from both sides.

Enemy Side :

  • Venari Marksrat die because has a low HP this monster was attacked first and killed by Queen Mycelia. Venator Kinjo has lower HP but has the ability Camouflage so can't be attacked if not in the first position. The death of Venari Marksrat activated Martyr's ability which make Desert Dragon and Jared's stat all increase.
  • Chaos Knight die, killed by Goblin Psychic magic attack. After Chaos Knight dies all enemy melee damage decrease by 1.

We can see that enemy monsters with damage greater than 5, namely the Desert Dragon and Jared Scar, only deal 1 damage in Mycelic Slipspawn due to the Forcefield abilities.
We easily kill enemies because the damaged monster we bring many use Magic type attacks, while the enemy is weak against this attack.

Round 2 :
Enemy Side :

  • Jared Scar dies because has low HP this monster was attacked first and killed by Queen Mycelia. Venator Kinjo has lower HP but has the ability Camouflage so can't be attacked if not in the first position. The death of Venari Marksrat activated Martyr's ability which make Desert Dragon and Jared's stat all increase.
  • Djinn Chwala die, killed by Goblin Psychic.
  • Venari Kinjo Die killed by Hill Giant.

We can see in this round our monster with magic damage easily kills the enemy melee monster. All enemy melee monster forced to attack the Mycelic Slipspawn, so our attacking monsters is safe.
In this round we can be sure that the victory will be ours, no more Jared Scar, and all our monsters still alive, the enemy monster only left 1 monster Desert Dragon.

Round 3:
In this round Desert Dragon can't hit Pelacor Mercenary, Pelacor Mercenari evade the attack, and Desert Dragon is easily killed by Spirit Hoarder, and victory become ours.

Did your strategy work?

Our strategy went well as we expected that the enemy used a lot of melee-type monsters with enormous damage, especially Jared Scar and Desert Dragon which were buffed by Chaos Knight Inspire and got the Martyr effect from Venari Marksrat. They all attack Mycelic Slipspawn but only cause 1 damage, while mycelic slipspawn is healed by 2 Spirit Hoarders and Queen Mycelia so they can survive until the end of the battle.

We use this strategy because we don't have Jared Scar on our card, as Scholar we have to buy it ourselves for the reward card.
In addition to this strategy, it can be used as an alternative to Jared Scar, and by using magic can also surprise the enemy, We can see that we can easily kill enemy monsters with the magic attacks we have. Most likely the enemy thought we would use melee monsters too like Jared Scar, so weren't prepared when we brought lots of magic type monsters.

Thank you, my friend, for taking the time to review my battle report. I appreciate your efforts and would be grateful if you could provide me with feedback on any mistakes you find by leaving a comment.

If you are new and want to try this fantastic strategy card battle game feel free to use my referral code to join.



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Great info, thank for your work :)

Thank you for reading my post :) have a nice day.

Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121