Both monsters have heal ability which is very powerfull especially for a tank with high hp
At his lvl one we dont get much for 7 mana 2 dmg 2 speed 1 armor 8 hp and flying that might not be usefull in battle but if we use him at lvl 6 we get a really decent card for 7 mana

We can compare him to very similar card - Flesh golem
Altough Pelacor costs one more mana he has one dmg more and flying ability
Flesh golem has also 10 HP where our Pelacor has only 9 but that one armor can take whole hit so in my opinion thats way better than just flat 10 hp without any armor
One card of Flesh golem will cost us 25$ to get him at lvl 3 we would need 5 cards so for lvl 3 golem we would pay 125$
To get a Pelacor at lvl 6 with heal we need at least 100 cards but one card costs only 0.1 $ so we could get a 6 LVL pelcor for only 10$ thats 12.5 times less than Flesh Golem
Thats why i think Pelacor is much stronger than Flesh Golem and gives us way better value for way less money

Another example of underated cards from new Rewards

DJINN RENOVA - Dawn of the Djinn 2 of 4

DJINN is an epic cards that presents very great statistics at only lvl 1
She has 2 magic dmg and 6 hp for 7 mana thats already great value but she also has a very usefull ability - STREANGTHEN which gives ALL ALLY MONSTERS 1 HEALTH
we can compare her to another life monster to see how good she really is

LUNAKARI MISTRESS is very simillar card to DJINN RENOVA she also has 2 magic dmg and 2 speed although LUNAKARI is 1 mana cheaper and has 1 more health her ablility (OPPRESS-does double dmg to enemy with no attacks) is way worse becouse we dont see a monsters with no attacks very often in battles.
On top of that Djinn costs only 1 $ where Lunakari costs around 5$ thats 5 times more
So as we can see DJINN is very useful card and cost way less then simillar life monsters.
Thank you all for reading my post hope you enjoyed it :)

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