Modern RARE Monsters You Need! - Part 2

in Splinterlands3 years ago


In this post I want to spend a short time talking about the WATER deck and Modern must own monsters, specifically RARE.

I will only give a final score based on a Level 1 but will talk about the potential of a card at MAX Level, Also I wont touch on cards which are Starter cards.

This will form part of a 6 part mini series where I delve into what I believe is the best RARE Modern mosters to own, looking at both Utility, Synergy and Cost.

Captains Ghost



Captains Ghost, A great card when we used to have Alric, hitting for x3 Magic and inflicting Affliction meaning it will stop the opposition healing. However with Keyla its not as impressive but still...Level 1 you get x2 Magic, x1 Speed and x7 HP with Affliction. Move on up to MAX Level you get x4 Magic, x2 Speed and x8 HP with Affliction and Oppress.
So at MAX level you will destroy most monsters on the first hit, x4 Magic will obviously evade armour and hit strsight at the opposing HP with that causing the affliction and activating the oppress. Very nice! But still Level 1 is a nice card.

Overall Score 8/10.


As mentioned briefly above with Alric this card was an absolute beast, Level 1 you'd be hitting for x3 Magic, now with Keyla you'd need this card to be at least Level 4 before it will match off the damage, So it does reduce the value of the Synergy of this card unfortunately. That being said it still does decent damage it will now have +1 Armour and +1 Speed which actually improves this card. Its a different Synergy review than I have had before, in one aspect its been mitigated by loosing that +1 Magic but on the other hand it protection and speed has been increased without reducing the attacking prowess of the card.

Overall Score 7/10.


Currently the cost is at $1.81 per BCX / 614 DEC - MAX Copy $208 / 70K DEC, So in costing terms its not a cheap card, however thats understandable as the card has been around a little longer than the rest on this review. That being said I personally feel the best Level to pick up for this card is Level 4, your really only paying extra for Opress which I personally dont rate. So a Level 4 will cost you $45 / 15K DEC so alot more reasonable.

Overall Score 6/10.


Most defiantly a strong contender for the Best RARE WATER Modern Monster, it offers great Utility, A decent Synergy and Cost whilst not cheap is reasonable for both old and new players.

Overall Score 21/30.


Venari Wavesmith



Venari Wavesmith, Another great card when we used to have Alric, We used to get x2 Magic and Protect meaning all your team would get +1 Armour, Whilst we still get that without Alric level 1 isnt as powerful. Level 1 you get x1 Magic, x2 Speed and x3 HP with Protect. Move on up to MAX Level you get x3 Magic, x4 Speed and x4 HP with Protect and Dispel.
So a decent card still but a lot more sort after before Chaos Legion dropped. It still has its place but with Keyla giving +1 Armour it does somewhat mitigate the need for Protect and thus Venari Wavesmith.

Overall Score 6/10.


As mentioned briefly above with Alric this card was the card to play, x2 Magic moving up to x4 at MAX level but since Keyla the Synergy isn’t there or at least not to the extent anymore. I still love this card but the Protect isn’t as needed with Keyla and the small x1 Magic could be better and would make you question if a better card could take that space. With Keyla and Wavesmith the team would benefit from +2 Armour however and that’s not to be sniffed at.

Overall Score 6/10.


Currently the cost is at $0.12 per BCX / 39 DEC - MAX Copy $14 / 4.5K DEC, So in costing terms an absolute steal, especially when you compare this to where the cost of this card has been, I remember a time when $3 per BCX wasn’t out of the question but as mentioned since Chaos launched the price has plumet as the graph below shows. I personally feel at that price you may as well grab yourself a max copy and also some cheap CP while your at it. Yes its not the best card both Utility wise and Synergy wise but we don’t know what’s around the corner which could bring this card back to the forefront.

Overall Score 10/10.



Its not the front runner for the best Modern RARE card it used to be but the costing of this card really makes it a must own if not for now hold it for the future, id even say stack up at that price as who knows what not only the legendary summoners will bring or Riftwatchers...

Overall Score 22/30.





Diemonshark, An amazing card introduced with Chaos and a card which I often play in my WATER Deck now. Level 1 you get x2 Melee, x4 Speed, 6x Armour and x7 HP with Trample all at Level 1...Ridiculous to start let alone when we look at MAX Level you get x4 Melee, x4 Speed, x6 Armour and x10 HP with Trample, Enrage and Retaliate.
So level 1 its an amazing card, MAX level its insane!

Overall Score 9/10.


Unlike the other 2 above the Synergy with Keyla is on point, +1 Armour and +1 Speed for a Level 1**** Diemonshark means its stats are x5 Speed and x7 Armour...Tie that with an already x7 HP and x2 Melee makes this card just crazy good and its understandable why this is always being played not only by me but by a lot of the opposition.

Overall Score 10/10.


Currently the cost is at $0.60 per BCX / 20 DEC - MAX Copy $69 / 23K DEC, So in costing terms another an absolute bargain, All the Utility at Level 1, The Synergy with Keyla for 20 DEC! Its a must own. If you want to save some money then at least get a Level 4 and get Enrage! Its also no surprise that this is one of the cards to keep a steady price and I can only see this rising.

Overall Score 9/10.



In my opinion its the best WATER Modern RARE you can get and its a must own! I have my copy up to Level 4 and would look to be increasing that further, Id recommend anyone to invest into this card as its one for not only now but the future in my opinion and no surprise at its overall score.

Overall Score 28/30.



I think it easy to see what my overall point will be so il keep it short...Diemonshark FTW!


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