This blog will be about how to start renting out cards because you need good cards, cards people actually need in order to rent out.
I will share my first step
first, of set yourself a ratio, with this, I mean buying a card for $10,00 and renting it out for 2,5dec a day. or anything between $10-12 renting out for 2,5-3 Dec. this will depend on your budget. or buying a $30 gold foil card and renting git out for 12 Dec a day.
this will require you to check and compare the market prices. Click on a monster that fits your budget, see what it rents out for and so familiarise yourself, until you decide on a ratio.
just a tip. I personally only buy legendary cards and gold foil epic. as I believe this is the best bang for your buck. $30 card be it legendary or gold foil epic, renting out for 12Dec a day. and these are cards people actually need and want for their decks.