What happens in Splinterlands must stay in Splinterlands, and you know already that snitches get stiches so be careful who you tell about our battle challenge club. Always remember the first rule of our battle challenge club ... you don't talk about the battle challenge club!
Done the challenge and spread the word in the world wide web:
~~~ embed:1487263910386413576?s=20&t=uK3U9Ro0KvgClNHewHZMZg twitter metadata:U2FkdTBuZXx8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9TYWR1MG5lL3N0YXR1cy8xNDg3MjYzOTEwMzg2NDEzNTc2fA== ~~~