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RE: Which SEPTEMBER UPDATES have you used so far? (POLL)

in Splinterlands6 months ago

I am using to read your post, and I don't see anything related to surveys or links. Is this post intended exclusively for users? Is it mandatory to visit peakd to understand the content of this post?

This post reminds me of when I was listening to the radio in my car and the announcer was conducting a very interesting interview with a person who seemed very relevant to the topic, but he never said what the topic was or the person he was talking to. ..


Hive Open Polls is a feature developed by the Peak Open Project and funded by DHF.
Peakd and Ecency have implemented it, other frontends no.
So yes to have the best experience and the entire view of the post you should open it on Peakd or Ecency.

Thank you very much for the clarification. It is important that those who generate the post always include a link to the platform where these features can be used to the maximum. With the information that I can see I conclude that it is spam or nonsense.


They should ideally all have this implemented... it just so happens is kind of a dead website with no active development and no active developers.