BEGINNER'S GUIDE: Essential Fire Splinter Rentals for High Rank Bronze League

in Splinterlands4 years ago (edited)

Splinterlands has a lot of cards. It took me a long time to understand the key cards and strategies for each splinter, then even longer to save up the DEC to buy cards.

This guide is the first in a series I am writing to give beginners an easy way to reach 1000+ MMR and beyond. You can use these tips to either reach Silver I very quickly, or to compete for top 20 bronze to earn seasonal DEC rewards.

The idea is simple: Rent level 3 copies of all the common cards, level 2 of the rares/epics, and level 1 for the legendary cards. These are the highest levels for Bronze.


Summoners are the most important. You NEED a level 3 (for untamed) or level 2 (alpha/beta) summoner to be able to use higher level copies of other cards. If you have level one summoners, you are doomed. This is the very first thing to rent as soon as you are able to earn any DEC.

Malric Inferno

malric inferno.png

Set: Beta
Recommended Level: 2

You need to use Malric Inferno for the vast majority of your fire splinter builds. The +1 attack power is insane and there's no way to make Pyre or other summoners match its tempo and aggro potential.



Set: Untamed
Recommended Level: 3

Like I said above, you should almost always use Malric Inferno. Pyre is cheaper for a reason: it's not as good in 95% of rulesets. With that said, as you get above 1000 MMR and get better at the game you may find a few situations to use Pyre.

If there is low mana available, 16 or less, the increased speed can sometimes allow Pyre to kill Malric's minions before they ever attack. This can allow Pyre to win the low-mana mirror match.

When starting out just use Malric, but you can find some use for Pyre as you get more experienced.


Living Lava

living lava.png

Set: Untamed
Recommended Level: 3

You should use Living Lava as the front monster for almost all of your 17+ energy fire splinter rulesets. It's just so strong and so tanky. Two damage per turn is good and the "Shield" effect gets a TON of value.



Set: Beta
Recommended Level: 2

When you are in low-mana rulesets (less than ~17) you will probably want to use Cerebrus rather than Living Lava. Cerebrus's self heal power can outstall some opponents if they bring very low damage, otherwise it'll at least last a turn or two while your bench monsters can do some damage.

Serpentine Spy

serpentine spy.png

Set: Untamed
Recommended Level: 3

Opportunity is a very powerful effect that allows Spy to attack from the bench and always target the opponent's lowest health minion. With 4 speed and 2 attack (3 with Malric), Spy becomes an insane homing missile that destroys opposing monsters.

Magma Troll

magma troll.png

Set: Untammed
Recommended Level: 3

Magma Troll is only playable if combined with Malric Inferno, giving it +1 attack so it can get to 2. Since the troll has "reach" it can attack from the 2nd position. The combination of Living Lava in first position and Magma Troll in second position is pretty good.

This isn't essential but it is pretty good and I'm using it more in my latest matchups. I would consider it for rulesets with lots of mana, maybe 25+, since it's not huge tempo but does get value if it survives for 2-3 turns of attacks.

Fire Elemental

fire elemental.png

Set: Untamed
Recommended Level: 3

Fire Elemental's explosive power allows it to hit not just one, but 2-3 of the opponent's monsters at once. Combine that with 5 speed and you have some serious aggro.

This card can be powerful with Pyre but has less synergy with Malric since it isn't a melee card. That means new players who don't have a Malric yet should use this card almost every match.

Goblin Fireballer

goblin fireballer.png

Set: Untamed
Recommended Level: 3

A two cost card that can do ranged damage... this is too flexible and convenient to not have. Also 6 stats for only 2 mana is kind of insane.

Spark Pixies

spark pixies.png

Set: Untamed
Recommended Level: 3

Spark Pixies is another card with insane stats value. 10 stats for only four mana AND flying is really really good value. Pixies offers very fast damage and flying helps it to avoid incoming attacks from opposing opportunist monsters.

This is a card like Fire Elemental that can be extremely useful when you are a true beginner, especially if stuck using Pyre for a while.

Goblin Shaman

goblin shaman.png

Set: Beta
Recommended Level: 2

A splash of magic damage on a fire splinter team can go a long way. Goblin Shaman is an interesting card, offering that damage alongside an effect which reduces all the opposing monsters' health by 1.

Shaman feels very well-balanced. Sometimes it can win the match, other times it is inconsequential. I like to have it in my collection since it's a one-of-a-kind card that you won't have any similar substitutes for. Either you have it or you don't.

Zalran Efreet

zalran efreet.png

This card is AMAZING! Life Leech along with two magic damage can get out of control (in your favor) real quick. You might even get an easy kill on a low health creature, bypassing armor to deliver an immediate killing blow.

Put Zalran last or second-to-last in large teams for high mana builds. By the time he's in the front of the team he'll be a high-health tank with enough magic damage to finish off the opposing monsters.


Fire Splinter is an excellent learner's splinter. It was the splinter I spent the most time learning and focusing on in my first week of Splinterlands. As I invite some friends to join me in the game, I notice they tend to go Fire first as well.

I made this guide to help new players that join my guild. I want to reduce the amount of time it takes to learn the game and climb the ranks. I'm sharing it publicly as a resource in case it helps out other players over time.

If all goes well I'll make a similar post like this for all the other splinters too.

What do you think? Did I miss any essential fire splinter cards?



Spark Pixies is wild, so much packed into one little card. Definitely have to look into renting it and some of the others. This is my first time even seeing Zalran Efreet, looks really awesome.

Zalran is SO GOOD