Grandmaster Rathe can Handle Magic and Physical on Back to Basic Ruleset!

in Splinterlands4 months ago

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Hello everyone, welcome back to Ramadhanight's Hive Blog on Splinterlands Social Media Challenge Session. Today I want to share my strategy for the back to basic ruleset, with the summoner that can be a key for winning the match !


Back to Basic Ruleset


On the back to basic ruleset, all ability are erased, this mean we are only play with the basic attack. As what I explain about the magic attack on , those monsters with magic attack can having a great advantage on the back to basic ruleset because they can attacking from any position (unlike the melee that can only attack from the front and range that can't attack from the front). And this is the reason why many people choose to use magic monster on this ruleset, so we want to anticipate it with anti magic strategy.


Grandmaster Rathe can Be Solution


Some people might confuse, whether to chose getting minus magic debuff or having the armor to block physical attack (because range monster can be very deadly as well with relatively higher damage). Now there is another solution, getting an armor that can blocking the magic damge as well ! Since there is no ability from monster, the only way to get the void armor is by get it from the summoner, and Grandmaster Rathe offers a very usefull ability with +1 armor that can block physical damage and the void armor ability that cause those armor can block the magic damage as well !


The Implemenation

You can watch my battle on the link below

I will also talk about it on the explanation below.

Here is the formation of each team. Both team are having an anti magic summoner. My enemies got the Immortalis with the void ability to reduce all magic damage by half, immortalis is having the shatter ability, that can break all armor no matter how much it is. For a monster that having high armor, it's such a nightmare, but for monster with just little ammount of armor, it's like nothing becuase it will easily break as well.

At the end of 1st round, both tanker is eliminated, and my sub tank is hurt a lot because his high armor is broken by the shatter of enemies.

At the end of 2nd round, my team left with just 3 monster left, while my enemies still having 4 monster ! It's a 3 vs 4 situation for my team, but there is 2 range monster on my opponent that can be advantage for me since they can't attack from the front.

At the end of 3rd round, the table is turned because I still got 3 monsters while my team left with just 2 monster left, and their tank is a range monster that can't attack from the front.

At the end of 4th round, I still got 2 monster while my enemies left with just 1 monster.

My team finally win the match with 2 monster left !



For a back to basic ruleset, magic damage can be deadly because it can attack from any position, but we need to anticipate for high range damage as well, and Grandmaster Rathe can handle both of them because it gives all monster an armor that can block magical damage as well. Don't forget to get the summoner and monster with proper level to get the best of them.


Final Words

Thank you for kindly read my post, i hope you enjoyed this post and could give another view about the strategy by put it on comment section.
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Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12

Bro, sy dapat undangan gabung guild. Sy cek ada di dlm situ juga ternyata bro. Apa gak salah kirim tah ke saya? bgmn kondisi dalam sana krn sy lihat levelnya dah level suhu semua.

saya juga baru masuk via undangan kemarin, guild sudah T4 tapi lama vakum, sisa 2-3 anggota setia yg aktif, sekarang mereka lagi rebuild, saran saya join aja kl blm punya guild, lumayan blm ada donasi wajib nya juga, jadi bisa ikut ngerasain brawl di T4

Siap. Mantau dulu klo begitu. Kartuku masih belum siap untuk wild. Begitu siap dan sudah ramai disana, mau coba rasanya di T4

pilihan fray kan gk cuma wild bro, mumpung masih banyak kosong, bisa lebih fleksibel, nanti kalau kira2 gk sesuai bisa cabut lagi 😁

Good writing!