End of Season Rewards...and More Rambling.

in Splinterlands3 years ago

There's just something so special about the anticipation of opening a splinterlands rewards chest. Opening it one by one with high hopes of seeing that treasure chest rattle, or a rnadom card give off the gold foil glow.

This was my 3rd season playing Splinterlands alongside my significant other, and we can hands down say that the season end is always our favorite time of the month. splintertalk post.PNG

You can just imagine how happy I was to see the rattle of that treasure and out came a Harklaw!! One of (In my opinion) the more underrated reward cards that was released just recently. As someone who mains the death splinter, I could not be any happier! While I was busy jumping for joy, my boyfriend who mains the water splinter, pulled an Oshannus, and you can imagine us both just yelling and jumping for joy! Hahahahahaha. Now, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bit jealous of his pull, but both of our nights were definitely made with the season end rewards.

I feel like it's so rare to find something that rewards your time, patience, attention and investment with this much joy. What I love about this game is that it's in these moments that I forget I'm playing with crypto-currencies. It feels like I'm just WILLINGLY spending my time playing a fun card game.

Getting started with cyrpto-currencies was honestly such a scary thing to do, but I'm real glad to have come across Splinterlands as my first NFT game. :)

Here's to another season with the community! May the RNG gods bless us all with Gold Foil Legendaries. Hahahahaha


Meanwhile... I still don't have a single gold foil... :(