2nd Giveback GiveAway!

in Splinterlands4 years ago

So here we are on our 2nd card give away but before that let me show you the winner of the last round

Its @extraeliel


Congrats on your demented shark hope you put it to good use

I noticed that some of you are choosing other cards beside the common, so sorry but the we will be doing common cards first HAHA

So same as before comment the card you like from the pic with your IGN and follow like the post
And upvotes is optional but will be very appreciated 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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There are 2 pages

Sand Worm
how you do like the post though I don't see how?@hookerpants

IGN thadduesprime

thank you for the Demented Shark! this is definitely a huge help for a 2-day old Splinterlands newbie like me. Appreciate it! :)

Dark Ferryman IGN:jiabazai

Gelatinous Cube @kel777

@squishna undead archer. thanks!

I stand by Creeping Ooze, until death do us part @jakkal

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Nightmare is the coolest looking one :)
IGN @bluepenguin

creeping ooze , thanks


great cards! upvote and follow!

Wave Runner

The 2 pictures thing is confusing. So, if the top picture counts, I'd like the Enchanted defender. If not, let me know and I can reply with a different choice. @half-fast

Creeping Ooze
ign: Wolfwoodhiker

Oh I like that Sandworm! IGN: cpol

Creeping Ooze or Screeching Vulture. Thank you so much for your giveaways. IGN @boksdino

any card is okay, blue, neutral or dragon. @citarre

Undead Rexx
ign: mozzie5


Anything if anything is left :) thank you for this giveaway!

Efreet Elder IGN: toypitz

sandworm for me :D

cg! creeping ooze 4 @dusi. ty! :)

Creeping Ooze!

Thanks for the opportunity. I'll win the Phantasm !@thura07

Demented shark gold
İgn @ucantosbik

Creeping ooze!! Can't imagine a game without one :)
Thanks for giving out.

IGN: @sixpsy

good luck to us all, and thanks for sharing ;-)

Creeping ooze.
Ign: luckyshot1

Creeping ooze.
Ign luckyshot1

Creeping ooze! @fiiii

ign bluefox21

Gelatinous Cube @kursen

Gelatinous Cube pls
IGN: lefty10002

creeping ooze for @trenloco please, cheers to all !

I'd like to try my luck with Molten Ogre thanks! @harayatim

Btw since the giveaway is for common cards, i think it'll be better to show only those. Maybe remove the rares and epics to avoid confusion. Just a thought.

Gelatinous Cube would be great
Ign: @altryx

Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
Creeping Ooze for lyfe!

Please Creeping Ooze come to papa
Ign: @nnniel

Hi @tsy197 here. Im torn between sand worm (which I love) or ooze (which I need) , but im choosing the latter as it seems so reliable .

creeping ooze
IGN bryangero

creeping ooze love
ign shylanix

Molten Ogre please thanks!
IGN: tooz

There are 2 pages