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RE: Free Delegation For New Splinterlands Sign Ups

in Splinterlands4 years ago

Thanks, if I manage to get some sign ups using this initiative I'll 100% do a write up about it. I have a few sign ups already from my other active initiative which reminds me I need to start the next round of giveaways for it.

I'm not sure what round I'm on but below is one of my old posts showing my affiliated sign ups and the one off giveaways I offer to those who participated.


WOW! You have all those affiliates? My congratulations! That must have taken a lot of work. CL release is going to be huge for you I think.

Before I entered the crypto world I owned my own Poker Forum and did allot of affiliate work for big online poker sites so I have a decent idea on what to do in order to get sign ups. If I still owned my site its likely I could bring in a few hundred more players but unfortunately I took it down some years ago. Poker sites pay affiliates well, I was getting 20-40% rev share commissions from them.

Ah, you had the advantage of being experienced in these matters. I never dreamed affiliates could be so rewarding so I never even posted my affiliate link on my Splinterlands posts until recently.