Splinterlands End of Season Rewards, Updates, Telegram and Giveaways!

in Splinterlands5 years ago

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The end of the season is here, I made it all the way up to Champion 1. Lets open 150 Loot Chests to see what I got. I will be giving some of this away on Telegram: https://t.me/splinterlandsHQ

There was some updates for this End of Season, you can find that update here:

You can follow me on twitter here: https://twitter.com/BlockchainCards

We created another WAX NFT, leave your WAM Wallet address below have the chance to get one.

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Congrats.... very nice rewards... kelp initiate is very useful as tank in low mana battles...

Congrats Captain!
I hope I can climb in that league soon.
Wax: 4shaw.wam

excellent, hope to get there soon, congratulations.
Splinterlands name @Lealharold

Thanks for making us grow together. Best of vibes!

Excelent pull on the bila my man! i did not get something too crazy just two gold foil commons and a pair of epics

My loot chests were not so good but I did get a few commons. I am also trying out the Rising star game which is cool. I wrote a post about it. All the best to you,

Excellent rewards. Congratulations!
wax: igeqw.wam

Very cool!
Wax: dogtowncards

nice!**wax: pm2aq.wam

Nice reveal! I made it to Diamond III. Looks like I'm going to be stuck there for a bit with the new rules!

Those DEC chests are awesome. Got one for 11K once, that was the highest so far.

Awesome rewards Reseller. Wax wallet is: ngnqw.wam