In another Splinterlands Social Media Challenge of the week, we have as a big news the arrival of new player “signups” to this fast-paced NFT card game, called Splinterlands. We will try to understand what caused this new influx of players to the game and analyze if Hive, the blockchain on which Splinterlands is located, may have been one of the reasons.
I'll be much appreaciated if you Upvote, Reblogs or give any Tips ( PIZZA 🍕, PGM 🎮, LOLZ 😆, ALIVE ❤️, etc ). Thanks and have good reading! 🍀

New Players are coming in?

Recently, talking to some friends, one of them mentioned the arrival of new players to Splinterlands and this motivated the search for answers. On the Dashboard presented on the Peakmonster website, when analyzing the 14-day period of the New Players graph, we can see that the average number of new registrations in the game was close to 100 new users per day.
However, after the 10th, on the next two days, 11 and 12, the values more than doubled in value, reaching 264 on the first day and 275 on the second. Which in the graph leads us to believe that this was a very unusual movement.

When analyzing the account number graph, we can see that on January 10th, the day before the increase in subscribers to the game, there was a large increase in the number of Active Players in the game. After all, the values were between 6 and 7 thousand users and suddenly this number rises to almost 18,000, more specifically 17,599. This shows us that there was high activity the day before.
PlayToEarn x Splinterlands

Let's start trying to understand what may have led to this increase in the number of players. On December 30th, near the beginning of the new year, the Splinterlands team announced on their Official Twitter that they had come in second place in the category of best card game at last year's Play to Earn Game Awards, 2024. This undoubtedly brought Play to Earn users at least a curiosity about what the game would be and perhaps some of the new users came from the marketing done, since there was also a temporary increase in Glint that may have caused it to spread more…

After all, the game ends up gaining more exposure on the PlayToEarn website, appearing in the category of the best card games of 2024, with a small difference of 8 votes from the first place and ahead of Axie Infinity. Furthermore, it ends up appearing on social media as the second place in a very competitive category of NFT games, which is the card games sector. This makes more people see and know about the game.
Hive x Splinterlands

Now the second factor and which in my opinion is a very relevant one and which brought a big spotlight to the network in which Splitnerlands is located, Hive, was the sudden rise of the main Token of network, which is also called $HIVE. This token went from $0.18 to reach a peak of around $0.60, one of the reasons being the futures market listing, which brought a lot of liquidity and investors to keep an eye on the token.

So, consequently, what happened is that some of these people started to find out a little more about the projects being developed within the Hive Blockchain and discovered Splinterlands. It is worth remembering that if anyone knows of any other possible reason that led to this increase in the number of players, please leave a comment. :)
Em mais um Splinterlands Social Media Challenge da semana, temos como uma grande novidade a chegada de novos jogadores “signups” à esse jogo de cartas nfts de partidas rápidas, chamado Splinterlands. Vamos tentar buscar entender o que causou esse novo fluxo de jogadores ao jogo e analisar se a Hive, blockchain em que o Splinterlands se encontra, pode ter sido um dos motivos.
Fico agradecido se você upder dar um Upvote, Reblogs ou algum Tips ( PIZZA 🍕, PGM 🎮, LOLZ 😆, ALIVE ❤️, etc ). Obrigado e boa leitura! 🍀

New Players are coming in?

Recentemente, conversando com alguns amigos um deles mencionou a chega de novos jogadores ao splinterlands e isso motivou a busca por respostas. No Dashboard apresentado no site do Peakmonster, ao analisar o período de 14 Dias do gráfico de Novos Jogadores, podemos observar que a média de novas inscrições no jogo vinha próxima de 100 novos usuários por dia.
Entretanto, depois do dia 10, nos dois próximos dias 11 e 12, os valores mais que dobraram de valor, chegando à 264 no primeiro dia e 275 no segundo. O que no gráfico nos leva a creer que foi um movimento bem incomum.

Ao analisar o gráfico de número de contas, podemos ver que no dia 10 de janeiro, um dia antes do aumento de inscritos no jogo, houve uma grande ascensão no número de Players Ativos no jogo. Afinal, Os valores vinham entre 6 e 7 mil usuários e de repente esse número sobe para quase 18000, de forma mais específica forma 17599. Isso nos mostra que houve uma atividade elevada um dia antes.
PlayToEarn x Splinterlands

Vamos começar a tentar entender o que pode ter levado esse aumento no número de jogadores. No dia 30 de dezembro, próximo do início do ano novo, a equipe do splinterlands anunciou no seu Twitter Oficial que eles ficaram em segundo lugar na categoria de melhor jogo de cartas no Play to Earn Game Awards do ano passado, 2024. Isso sem dúvida, trouxe aos usuários do Play to Earn no mínimo uma curiosidade sobre o que seria o jogo e talvez uma parte dos novos usuários tenha vindo do marketing feito, já que houve também um aumento temporário no Glint que pode ter feito com que isso se espalhasse mais…

Afinal de contas, o jogo acaba ganhando mais exposição no site do PlayToEarn, aparecendo na categoria dos melhores jogos de cartas de 2024, com uma diferença pequena de 8 votos do primeiro colocado e ficando à frente do Axie Infinity. Ainda, acaba aparecendo nas redes sociais como o segundo colocado em uma categoria bem disputada dos jogos NFT, que é o setor de jogos de cartas. Isso faz com que mais pessoas vejam e conheçam sobre o jogo.
Hive x Splinterlands

Agora o segundo fator e que na minha opinião é um bem relevante e que trouxe um grande holofone para a rede em que o Splitnerlands está situado, a Hive, foi a repentina subida do Token principal da rede, que também se chama $HIVE. Esse token saiu de $0,18 para alcançar no topo algo próximo de $0,60, sendo que um dos motivos foi a listagem do mercado de futuros que trouxe bastante liquidez e investidores para ficarem de olho no token.

Assim, consequentemente o que aconteceu é que uma parte dessas pessoas, começaram a procurar saber um pouco mais sobre os projetos que estão sendo desenvolvidos dentro da Hive Blockchain e descobriram sobre o Splinterlands. Vale lembrar que se alguém souber algum outro possível motivo que levou à essa subida no número de jogadores, por favor deixe nos comentários. :)

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Thank you for reading. See ya! 👋👋
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Your post was manually curated by @crazyphantombr.My guess is someone wanted to try their hands at setting up a new network with the cheap Chaos Legion cards. Things are moving in the right direction. I wish those were all players, but maybe you're right and more people bought in over the weekend. It is important to note that 11 and 12 were Saturday and Sunday, so the bump could be people using their free time to get invested!
It could be either a network, but it was close to the hive price increase so people maybe found splinterlands with it.
Or maybe it's related with the banned accounts for wintrading, setting up again a new network, I pretty much doubt are real new players tbh.
Oh i didn't know about that. Maybe you're right.
Thanks for sharing! - @underlock